Chapter 2 - I'll See You Around

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Gunner looked around. "Where's everyone?" Behind him John laughed at his question, thinking that it was simply a joke. But when Gunner raised a brow, John paused. His smile dropped into a scowl. 

"You don't know?" John shook his head, scoffing. "Don't you listen to what anyone else says? It's Marcus' birthday, the boss planned a celebration for it at his place."

"Really? So that means that Marcus is turning five." 

Smirking, John crossed his arms across his chest. "Yea, just wait till the kid turns eleven. That's when he's going to start causing trouble. Boss has it easy now, but in a few years, shit's going to happen." 

"Well I'm sure he'll be alright with it. He's raised Jason up, so it shouldn't be too big of a deal."

Gunner started walking before pausing right in front of the thick bolted front gates. The building was more quiet than normal. There was no bustle from the inside, no voices, no sounds of people talking or argueing. Most days the dull grey building was packed to the brim, people were always either going in or coming out. It was the base building where everything important to the gang was discussed and sorted. 

The twenty story building stood in the middle of a group of three others. It was the biggest and the safest in terms of its security. The gates were re-inforced, the insides secured with tight traps that made infiltrating it nearly impossible. All the other gangs knew enough that it was useless to try and break in. Where it lacked in its look, it made up in its steadyness. 

"Hey Gunner!" The group of thirty men that were stationed just behind the gate pulled their guns out as Gunner and John came into view. "Boss sent a message. You were supposed to be over for Marcus' birthday." 

Gunner ducked the fists that came his way, stumbling backwards. He huffed and rolled his eyes. 

"Hey, chill!" Gunner snarled, brushing the dust off his trousers. "It's my fucking bad that I forgot, but anyways I was caught up in something. It took a bit longer than I expected to be solved... But I'm going now, so what does it matter?"

"Fuck you man! Everyone else who was going waited for you to come back here before they left. The boss was pissed when he left--there's a schedule for everything Gunner." 

One of them crashed a fist into Gunner's right cheek. The hit was accurate, but it lacked strength, only mildly bruising him. Without a second, Gunner lunged up and swipped an arm at the guy. It hit him right in the stomach, making him stagger on his feet. But before he could get up and hit back, John had shoved him back. 

Seething, John glared at the men and then back at Gunner. "Stop it! Come on! I'll shoot every one of you right where you stand if you don't stop!"

Gunner stared at the gun in John's arms, poised and ready to fire. 

The boy swallowed, eyes fluttering nervously around to the others. Yet his lips were turned upright. Even John could see it; the false fear in the boy's eyes disguised it so well, but his whole face was beaming. The kid is mad, John thought to himself. Gunner's eyes were challenging and they held no fear. 

Gunner smiled. "Thanks for the distraction man." Gunner leaned up as he whispered into John's ear. John scowled at the boy's smirk, irritation itching at his head but he kept his face straight, impassively staring at Gunner. Gunner shrugged at John's look and pushed past the men, walking into the gates without so much as another glance over his shoulder. 

One of the guys coughed and waved for the men to open the gates. John stared at the black van, waiting for it to drive in before he turned. A few of the men shook their heads and forwned at each other, their tempers clearly ready to explode at any given moment. 

A Trio Of Tigers: Blood-arc Series, #1 - (BoyxBoyxBoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now