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"I found someone else so this thing between us isn't gonna work I'm sorry"Austin said

All I could manage to do was shake my head yes. I walked away trying to hold back tears but couldn't I broke my heart felt broken and I couldn't I ran home and pulled out my black box and pulled out my blades I walked into the bathroom and cut.
Why does life hate me. Does it not want me to be happy.

I curled up into a ball and cried. I finally ran out of tears. And called my friend Alex (girl) and asked her if she can meet me at the mall at 6:00 

It was only 4:30 so I had time to take a shower and change. I put on joggers and and a superman hoodie. By then it was 5:30 so I decided to start driving to the mall. I got there 10 minutes late and as soon as I walked in the mall I saw Alex.

"Hey so what did u wanna talk about" Alex said

"Um well one Austin and I broke up and two well..." I couldn't tell her so instead I showed her I pulled up my sleeve and showed her

"Please Jordan stop u don't need to do this"







Okay so that's the second chapter also should I continue.


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