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Taraji P Howard

3 Weeks Later

It's been two since the whole Nia fiasco and things couldn't be better between Terrence and I, Terrence told me Tasha told her everything and i was mad at first but i want to build a life with him so it's only perfect that he knows everything there is to know about me so we talked and we in such a better place now. Terrence suggested we do couples therapy which I didn't think was a good idea but we've had two sessions so far and there's been progress and we heading to our next session right now

Terrence:Baby what time will you get back from work?
Taraji:I don't know it almost the weekend and if there isn't much I'll be back earlier why?
Terrence:I have a doctor's appointment just after lunch...
Taraji:Baby is there something wrong

Terrence sat on the bed and pulled me into his lap 

Terrence:No I just do regular full check up to make sure I'm 100% healthy
Taraji:I've never had a full check up
Terrence:Then we gonna start doing them together I'll just notify Dr Shirley that you'll come with me
Taraji:So it's a she?
Terrence:Yea she's cool
Taraji:I don't like the idea of another woman touching all over you
Terrence:Its just blood work baby and you the only woman who is allowed to touch all over me I love you
Taraji:I love you too


We arrived at our session about 15 minutes late but Dr Williams was used to us being late.

Williams:So how have things been since our last session
Terrence:Really great we take your advice and it works for us
Taraji:Things have been good last time I did complain about him working late and he been coming home earlier and I'm happy
Wiliams:I'm glad things are good between you too but how are you guys with the mother of his child
Terrence:We don't usually touch that subject so I don't know
Williams:Do you think it's going to be the source of an arguement hence you don't touch that subject?
Taraji:I just feel like Terrence doesn't feel comfortable talking about his son with me because of my situation
Williams:How does that make you feel?
Taraji:I don't know,yes I'm not happy she's pregnant with his baby but I still want him to be there for his son not matter what I don't want him to look back and have regrets and I just feel like I'm in the way
Terrence:Baby you not in the way of anything
Williams:Terrence is that the reason?
Terrence:A part of it because I don't want to rub it in her face that she's pregnant and I sometimes wish that it was her carrying my son but it is what it is
Williams:Have you thought about how your routine will change once the baby is here?
Terrence:Not really at the moment I'm just going with the flow and just trying enjoy our marriage but we will see
Williams:How is your sex life?
Terrence:Every damn night

I place my hand on his mouth before he could say anything more

Taraji:Our sex life is good
Williams:Then you guys are on top of things and are willing and working well on your marriage I don't think you need to see me on a weekly basis. I reccomend at least two times a month and I'll let my PA email you the schedule
Taraji:Thank you much

Terrence D Howard

I was making my way home when Taraji sent me a text saying we having dinner at my parents house and I should grab flowers and wine which is unessasery because that's my home and my mother loves Taraji more than anything so we shouldn't behave like guests and both our parents were very happy when we told them about us being together which I think is what they wanted in the first place,I didn't bother parking the car because we gonna be our soon and just went straight upstairs and Taraji was sleeping and she never sleeps this early. I shook her arm to wake her up

Terrence:You okay?
Taraji:uh uh
Terrence:You were okay after we left the hospital
Taraji:Just a slight headache and it's that time of the month
Terrence:I'll get you some painkillers and make you that green tea you like
Taraji:Before you do that I wanna talk about something

I kneeled on my knees so we were at face level and she moved her face to look at me

Taraji:The wedding
Terrence:I know baby but that in like three or four months from now
Taraji:I wanna move the wedding
Terrence:Its April now you want to move it to when?
Taraji:Next month, May 25th
Taraji:Yes unless yo...
Terrence:May 25th it is
Taraji:Are you sure?
Terrence:There's nothing to be sure about we already married but I still want to give you your dream wedding
Taraji:I love you so much Terrence
Terrence:And I love you more Taraji,now let me get those and I'll wake you up in an hour to freshen then we can go


We just arrived at my parents house and Taraji tells me now that my Mom invited Nia for dinner with us and I'm just not in the mood for any of Nia's drama but Taraji seems cool

Taraji:Your mom asked for permission to ask Nia for dinner I might not like it but she is carrying her first grandchild and j wouldn't want to stand in the way of that and it not like she sprung this on us because she wouldn't have asked her if I said no so relax
Terrence:Okay whatever you want

Vivica opened the door for us with a bottle of champagne in hand

Taraji:What are we celebrating?
Vivica:Nothing I'm just in a good mood
Terrence:Is Nia already here?
Vivica:Yea with her belly all out and stuff

She probably did that on purpose to rub it in Taraji's face and even though she doesn't know about our situation

Taraji:Well to bad for her she can't have anything to drink
Vivica:Well if you put it like that let's do shots then join them

Vivica pulled Taraji towards the kitchen and I just went to the dinning hall and everyone was already seated

Alice:Hey baby
Terrence:Hey Ma

I gave her a kiss on the check and gave her the flowers and placed the wine on the table

Nia:Hi Terrence
Alice:Where is my other baby?
Terrence:With Vivica in the kitchen
Alice:Vivica better...

Taraji hugged my mom and sat next to me with Vivica next to Nia and my parents opposite each other

Jack:I'm glad to see you again Taraji
Taraji:So am I and just so you guys know its Terrence's fault we don't come often

We all dished up and started digging and my mother started speaking

Alice:We can't ignore that Nia is carrying Terrence's child and that's the reason I invited her
Nia:Thanks for inviting me I really  appreciate it
Jack:How's the baby?
Nia:The doctor says he's perfect and growing very well
Vivica:How far along are you again?
Nia:Going on five months
Alice:So how are feeling?
Nia:Physically I'm okay but emotionally I'm not with pregnancy it's not easy and it's harder not having anyone there. I'm alone at the doctor's appointments I have no one
Jack:Terrence you should accompany her to one of the appointment
Vivica:Y'all can't for him to do anything,he knows that's his child and he's doing as he sees fit
Terrence:I'll try to make one of the appointments but I'm gonna be very busy this month with the wedding
Alice:Isn't the wedding on like four months from now
Terrence:Taraji and I decided to move the date and we getting married next month on 25th
Vivica:Oh my gosh this calls for celebration
Alice:I'm so happy,I gotta call Bernice

My mother stood up along with my Dad I'm sure to call Raji's parents

Nia:What's the rush,is she pregnant?
Taraji:That's none of your business
Vivica:There is so little time left we gotta start planning sis

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