Addison was left on the side of the highway. So one day she started walking beside the road and on the grass. Then she walked in to the woods and she went to go adventure. When she was roming around the woods she found a nice comfy place to lay down and go to sleep. When she woke up she herd a noise and so she went to see what that noise was and and there was three cars and they were in the dich and crashed into each other and then plice cars started comming and firetrucks also started coming and IT WAS NOSIY. After she noticed what was going on she went back into the woods and found a bush of beries and she ate them UP becuse she was starving. Then she went to lay down but here comes another puppy and it was a boy! His name is coaco becuse his fur is brown and coaco is very active.
He wanted to play with her but she would not let him.