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It had just gotten dark, the sky was a beautiful sight of orange, red and yellow with streaks of pink. Now it was gearing more towards an ink black, maybe even a navy blue. Whatever it was the stars twinkled like they had no idea how bloody the land below really was. Their beauty was ethereal and pure, Jae-Hwa looked out over Seoul from her penthouse apartment balcony and sighed. Hearing footsteps behind her she lifted her weight from her elbows that were resting on the railing and looked over her shoulder to her husband and leader of the X Clan Shownu.

He was a very tall intimidating man, no one would ever dare cross him-not even his own members. He was ruthless when he came to power, which is where he made the name for himself. Jae-Hwa knew the truth though, what was under that tough metal almost robot-like exterior was an extremely gentle and caring man. He knew everything about her and she didn't even have to say anything. He always knew by the look in her eyes, or how her body reacted. Especially to his touch. That was one thing that she couldn't hide from him, how much her body craved him and just responded to his every touch. His every look.

"Ya, Jagiya." His voice was smooth as velvet and deadly as a bullet to the face.

Turning her body to face her husband of 2 years her heart melted for him the way he walked towards her. In a suit that seemed to be tailored to his every curve and muscle of his body. Nearly made her mouth water with anticipation. The feel of his arms around her made Jae-Hwa feel so safe and protected. Made her feel, dare she even think about it. Untouchable?

Her life was content and happy. She even made a friend outside of the mafia world. Outside of all the drugs, guns and other various things she wasn't really supposed to know about that her husband had a hand in smuggling around. She was her best friend, the one she can go on shopping dates with and call late at night when she had an argument with her husband. She meant the world to her. Her little Jin-Ae.

Letting a moan escape her parted lips as she leaned into Shownu's chest she let her hand rest on his as they clasp around her. "I'm just about to leave to meet Jin-Ae," she smiled up at him.

Planting a kiss on her forehead Shownu couldn't help but to smile at her. She seemed so pure to him, A porcelain doll that should never be tainted. Why she chose to be with him was something that always struck him as odd. She could have anyone she wanted yet she chose him. A good for nothing smuggler who ended up building an empire. The one weakness that Shownu had? Was her.

"Isn't it a bit late to be meeting your friend?" he asked. The sky had turned from its beautiful painting to a inky blackness.

"Ahh is my strong bear worried about me?" she asked fully turning in his arms to gaze into those dark brown orbs that just captivated her so.

That was what she always called him 'Her Strong Bear' ever since they started dating the name just kinda stuck after that. Of course Shownu was worried about her. The city at night wasn't the best place to be for two females who were alone. He knew how bad the underworld could be, it practically raised him.

"Don't worry my love," Jae-Hwa cooed to the towering man in front of her. "We are just going to sit in her coffee shop and catch up" She smiled at him and her green eyes almost disappeared from his view.

One of his favorite things about her was that she was a foreigner. She was from Canada and moved to Seoul for school but stayed because of him. He was always impressed at how natural her Korean sounded, he made a mental note to tell her later. He knew that she would be ok, however he still couldn't help but worry. He knew that if something were to ever happen to her he would break and all hell would be loose.

"Ami-Chi is coming too so it's not like I'll be all by myself. Your sister knows how to get around the city unnoticed" as Jae-Hwa traced her index finger along his strong jawline. She was debating just staying home and...appreciating the man she was married to. Her watch face glinted in the lights from the buildings causing her to glance down, bringing her out of her trance.

"Oh god, I'm gonna be late. I gotta go baby, love you" she planted a quick kiss on his full lips and broke from his embrace to head to the door. Just as she was reaching for the knob it turned and opened revealing her only other female friend in this dark world. Her sister in law, Ami-Chi. They were around the same height somewhere around the 5 '2 range. The girls smiled at each other as Shownu closed the balcony doors. With a small hitch he flipped the lock and walked towards the front door of the apartment.

"You girls make sure to be careful and to call either myself or Changkyun." With a hand on Jae-Hwa's shoulder he gave her a sincere smile and a kiss that held so much passion and promises of a night that wasn't gonna be slept away. Planting a kiss on the top of his sisters head the girls waved bye and walked out the door. Just as the girls were leaving, Kihyun one of Shownu's most trusted and a higher up member in the X Clan walked through the door and bowed slightly to the girls as they walked past.

"Sir, we found him"

"Take care of it"

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