Enter Kamen Rider EVOL

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Izuku/Mad rogue: now ... shall we begin your destruction.

With all eyes on Izuku he simply walked towards the sludge villain scaring the crap out of the villain 

Sludge villain: H-h-here t-t-take him( drops Bakugo) -j-j-j-just don't hurt me!!!

Even after dropping Bakugo Izuku just kept walking towards the sludge man silently 

Sludge man: S-S-STAY BACK ( launches tendrils )

Izuku: (summons steamblade)

Izuku: (summons steamblade)

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(minus cobra lost bottle )

Izuku: ( destroys tendrils) .....

everyone: !!!

izuku/mad rogue:(pulls out traansteam gun)

izuku/mad rogue:(shoots sludge villain) ahahahahaha your not even a threat and yet heroes waste their time on people like you

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izuku/mad rogue:(shoots sludge villain) ahahahahaha your not even a threat and yet heroes waste their time on people like you ... IT'S Pathetic. 

everyone's thoughts: scary

Bakugou's thoughts: when did he- wait a minute 

Bakugou: deku! stop holding ba- (gets cut off by a quick punch from izuku)

Izuku/ mad rogue: shut it (goes back to "fighting" {more like terrorizing} the villain), but you are right I'm holding back too much(pulls out the cobra evol bottle and rider system evol bottle)

Izuku/ mad rogue: shut it (goes back to "fighting" {more like terrorizing} the villain), but you are right I'm holding back too much(pulls out the cobra evol bottle and rider system evol bottle)

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(removes bat and engine full bottles and inserts new ones)

Evol driver: Cobra, Rider system, EVOLUTION!

(cranks lever) 

Evol driver: are you ready.

Izuku: henshin

Evol Driver: Cobra,Cobra,Evol Cobra! fuhahahahahahahaha!

pipes create new armor ,but hard to see and forms on izuku 

(looks like this )

izuku evolt: Evol phase 1  complete, Now let's finish this (cranks lever on driver)

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izuku evolt: Evol phase 1  complete, Now let's finish this (cranks lever on driver)

EvolDriver: Ready go, evolt tech finish! 

galactic energy engulfs izuku' right leg  

Izuku: (jumps and rider kicks the sludge villain)

EvolDriver/izuku: ciao! 

the sludge villain explodes 

some random hero: just who are you 

Izuku evolt: my .. name ...?

some random hero: yeah your name so we can arrest you 

Izuku evolt: hahahahaahhhahahahahahahah!!!!!

everyone: ??????

izuku  evolt : so your going to arrest someone for doing what your supposed to do, stop villains. oh and just so you have something to call me, call me " Evolto"

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