Fear Is.. Real

538 17 11

(Y/N) and Black Star walked through the halls of Shibusen, chatting along with the others. The odd feeling passed through (y/n)'s soul once more and she felt uneasy yet again. "How can you guys not feel that...?" She thought she said to herself.


"What?" Kid asked, a brow arched. (Y/n) flinched and covered her mouth. "I.. Uh... Said that aloud, didn't I?" The group gave her odd stares and nods. Sighing in defeat, (y/n) dropped her head. "I've just been getting a strange feeling all day.. That's why I've been so jumpy and weird." Kid cupped his chin and glanced at Maka who nod at him.

The pigtailed girl spoke first. "(Y/n)-chan, would you mind resonating your soul with Kid and me?" Though she had a questioning look at first, (y/n) obliged and resonate with the two meisters. Kid's brows furrowed and Maka made a look of disgust or something. (<--derp)

"What is it?" The assassin asked with his hands resting on his neck. Kid shrugged while looking over to the side. "Well, I see now why there was an odd feeling.." Maka nodded. "There's something here. In Death City. It's really unsettling.." With that, (y/n) hit Black Star straight in the face. 

"OW! What was that for?!" The (h/c) haired girl crossed her arms and pout, turning away. "For not believing me when I said something was wrong." The blue haired boy jumped up, retorting. "That's because you kept on insisting that nothing was wrong!" As the two bickled, the group focused on the threat that they felt. 

Liz stroked her hair and looked at her nails before placing a hand on her hip. "So what kind of danger did you sense?" She asked her meister. The shinigami looked off in the distance of the city. "It was a Kishin soul.. But not just any Kishin. This one's soul was abnormally large. Almost matching a witch's.. Or even Mifune's incredibly large soul." 

They all shared glances and Soul jabbed a finger over his shoulder. "Then should we go check it out?" His meister shook her head. "I don't know. Let's not. Until we find out what it really is, we should lay off. Kid, you wouldn't mind asking your dad about this, right?"

"Of course. I'll ask him later on." Kid mentioned. Patty giggled and leaned forward, hands behind her back. "Weeeell.. How 'bout we go on a little skateboard fly and check?" She asked with her normal bubbly tone. The ebony haired boy arched a brow. "Might as well. I'll be sure to contact you guys when I find something."

Tsubaki turned to her meister. "Black Star, let's go home. Please stop fighting with (y/n)-san." The two had end their fight and everyone went back to their respective homes. Kid, however, decided to head out late at night in search for the large Kishin soul, flying above Death City with Liz and Patty in their holsters. Liz yawned.

"Geez, Kid.. Why do we have to be out so late? We could've gone earlier.." He continued to look around and pulled Liz out of her holster (Patty as well, to maintain the symmetry). Her reflection shined on the gun and he narrowed his eyes. "If you want to harm the people still up by the time, scare them, cause a riot and be suspicious, then-"

"I get it, okay, okay!" The girl protested. "We have been out for a while now.. And you keep saying it's close, but we never get any leads." Kid sighed and looked around. "Yeah.. You're right on that one.. It's weird.." The younger twin's gasp caught their attention. "Kido-kun! Heat signature heading straight towards us at 5 o' clock!"

The shinigami flinched. "What?!" Unfortunately, the boy wasn't able to turn in time as an extremely large Kishin launched itself from the ground and brought Kid down with him. The golden eyed boy quickly recovered from the hard fall and took a good look at the Kishin. 

Huge claws that look like they could cut through anything, a dull brownish body that looked more like it was dried blood and piercing yellow eyes that nearly matched the outer layer of Kid's golden eyes. To sum it up in a word.. The thing was revolting. What Kid found worse.. is that the Kishin could actually speak clear sentences. Unlike the others, this one seemed more intelligent.

"Shinigami..." It growled out in an unhumanly way. "Powerful soul..." Kid raised his guns and glared at the disgusting creature. "You're the one I've been searching for all night.. You've been quite a bother, Kishin. Your soul is mine." The creature cackled in a way that would send shivers up anyone's spine and it did for Kid. 

It charged towards Kid quickly, who nearly dodged. The Kishin's claws had digged deep into Kid's side. Said boy growled and raised Liz and Patty weakly, shooting at the Kishin. Instead of doing damage like it was supposed to, the wavelength shots seemed to dissolve in the Kishin's body.

"What..? Our shots won't go through, Kid! It just absorbed our wavelength!" Patty began to panic. "Kido-kun..?" The shinigami twitched and looked down at the younger twin. "Liz.. Patty.."

The Kishin growled and charged at the trio.


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