Untitled Part 1

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I flipped him off as I was walking down the hallway. "Ms. Sam Dorothy Anne Williams! Go to the office now!". Mr. Merle yells from down the hall further away than Cody. I make a detour on my way to class and head down the left main hallway to the front office. As soon as I walk in the secretary scowls and writes a note. Usually, the notes consist of " Mrs. Williams, today Sam has been sent down to the office again and would benefit from being sat down and talked with." Or something similar to that. But today it was different. " Mrs. Williams I am sad to inform you but today your daughter Sam has been expelled from west hills high school for teenage delinquents. She has to pick up her stuff this weekend and find a new school or will be transferred to a juvenile detention center school if no other schools are found within a month. '' My jaw must have hit the floor because the secretary had a small grin on her face. "You may leave the school grounds now" she said in an icy voice. I turned around, went to my locker, grabbed my bag and left the school. They know my mom can't pick me up or find a new school for me because she is an alcoholic and has no money. I have to do all of that stuff myself. When I go on class trips I have to forge my mom's signature. And my dad can't help because he is dead.

I walk up the stairs to the small house trailer beside my mom's house and drop my bag. I close and lock the door. My mom kicked me out into this house because she got her boyfriend to move in and he doesn't like kids. At night though I sneak into the house and go to my old room. I usually sit there for a while and try to pretend that things were okay that they were the way they used to be when I was seven. My mom used to be clean. She was fine when I was a kid. She used to make my birthday cakes and she used to be a doctor. We had a good income and my dad was in the army. He wasn't home much but we did okay. But one day he came home and told my mom he was dishonorably discharged. They got into a whole argument and my mom kicked him out. He came back a few weeks later begging on his knees and my mom let him back in. she never asked him what he did to get discharged but she didn't have to. She knew he was selling drugs and was human trafficking. But she just loved him so much she couldn't live without him. Compared to the boyfriend she has now my dad was a breeze. He beats her and they argue pretty much every day. She loves him though so she won't kick him out she is also scared of him so yeah there's that.

I threw my bag on to my bench and sat down beside it. I took out my books and homework. Placed them on the table and started working. About an hour into my work I started to hear my mom and her boyfriend start arguing so I placed my headphones in and play some music. I really don't want to listen to this right now. I have to find a new school and I have to pay for it on my own. Or i'll be in a double prison literally.

I head out early the next day and head into town. I live in a small area people would call the ghetto. It's' a dark place with a lot of abandoned houses and places where shady business happens. A lot of drug trades happen down here. I walk past an old apartment building gone and worn down from years of neglect. Then I pass by Charlie's house. Charlie is a man who basically owns this place. He knows everything that happens, nobody goes near him because they know what he is capable of. He has been in and out of prison since he was old enough to go to juvenile detention centers. As much as everyone else is scared of him, I'm not one bit. He opens the back door and catches me trying to sneak through his yard. He crosses his arms and yells at me to stop. For a few seconds, time seems to slow down. He stares into my eyes like he's looking for my soul, lucky for me I don't have one. "What are doing?" he asked in an eerily calm voice. "Walking breathing you know the works," I said calmly. I didn't know I could ever sound so mature. I don't know why I was talking like that. Maybe because I never have been confronted by him before. "You know I suspected someone was going through my yard. I just never thought it would be a cute little girl like you" he says in a very suggestive tone and a small smirk playing his lips. "It's called jail bait, so back off," I tell him angrily across his yard. "When has that stopped me before," he says, starting to walk across the room towards me slowly. His voice was loud but rough like years of use. He had large muscles. Probably from all his shadiness. I took one step back and he broke out into a full-on laugh. I spin around and bump into a brick wall. I mean I thought it was a brick wall.

"Okay so basically you brought me into your house so you could what rape me steal money get me to sell for you?" I said tied to a wooden chair in the basement. I don't see why they tied me up but okay I'm not complaining. At least they didn't check me. I wiggled my arms a bit and pulled out the knife I keep in my pocket. I flip it open and start sawing at the rope. "No, no, none of that," he said, sitting down on a chair opposite of me spreading his legs and resting his forearms on his knees. "I was hoping we could come to an agreement," he said smiling from ear to ear. Everything in my body told me that something was wrong. Yet words started tumbling out of my mouth. "What kind of agreement?" I asked not to stop myself. I sawed halfway through the rope almost there. Maybe I could buy just a little more time.

"I was thinking that I will give you a large sum of money if you stay with a friend of mine for a while," he said leaning back in his chair. "How large is the sum," I asked with peak curiosity. God knows I need the money. "200,000" my jaw must have hit the floor cause a few of the guys including charlie started to laugh. "How long would I stay for?" "so many questions, either a yes or a no" "if it's a no what will happen to me?" I asked just a string away from breaking the rope. "You will die" the rope snapped and I jumped up.

I didn't know people were behind me because as soon as I stood up large arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me back down to the chair. Charlie stood up and got in my face. "Yes or no"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2020 ⏰

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