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"Didn't you hear? There's a new kid!" The class was whispering amongst themselves, the topic making a certain boy perk up. James, eighteen, was a senior in high school. He had only been in school for a few years before today, but he found a way to get smarter and forge documents saying otherwise. James was quite secluded most of the time, very quiet but his eyes showing a stoic burning fire within. He seemed like the "silent guardian" type. His skin was a cloak of snow dusted with silver specks, his body giving a more soft and natural appearance. The boy was an albino, meaning he had zero pigment anywhere. His hair was white, his eyes were pink, and all of his features looked soft. His jaw was slightly rounded and his eyes naturally looked half closed, his body tall but slim. He looked quite aesthetically pleasing, his short messy hair framing his pale face. He would always seem spaced out and a bit sad, but he didn't feel that way. He was excited to go to school, but he didn't really know how to show that. He was wearing a loose black and white striped sweater with a few rips in it, a pair of black ripped jeans, and some white vans. He looked slightly like an emo, but he thought the clothes were comfortable so he didn't care. He felt quite secluded in his school, since nobody really understood him whenever he spoke. He was speaking in a native language that most didn't understand, but he was slowly learning english. He was quite fluent now, but wouldn't give up his language. He seemed very religious. Everyone was told that he came from the mountains, but nobody knew exactly where or what that really meant. James wasn't exactly outgoing, but he seemed to be a husk of what he actually was. Once the bell rang, James slumped back in his chair and stared at the ceiling. He was a bit bored today, and he forgot to charge his phone the night before. He was thinking of drawing, but before he had a chance to pull out his sketchbook the teacher had started to talk. James wasn't really paying attention, but looked up from his books once the teacher announced that a new student would be here.

"Mister Raymond Rodriguez..." The teacher said in her usual squeaky voice, adjusting her spectacles on the bridge of her nose. She looked up from her clipboard, scanning the classroom for the new boy. She scoffed to herself once she saw that he had not come on yet. James raised one of his cloudy eyebrows, the corners of his lips. He felt this was a bit comedic. After the teacher waited in front of the class tapping her pen for around ten minutes, the door to the classroom slowly creaked open. An average height dark skinned boy walked in the room chewing a piece of gum, his bright red eyes looking lively and mischievous. He had short black hair that was a bit spiked up, and a few piercing on his face and ears. He looked quite fit as well. He had worn a red t-shirt with a leather jacket overtop, and a pair of dark blue jeans with some old converse. He had a slight bit of eyeliner on as well, which made his bloody red ruby eyes look sharper and scarier. He had on a black chain choker as well. He had a mischievous look on his dark skinned face, a half smirk with his tongue sticking out giving him a sort of 'bad boy' aura. This boy seemed to have a more kind bad boy appearance, like it was something that concealed his social awkwardness. If James was good at anything, it was reading people. He could see right through the new boy that was standing in front of the class, seeing how he was toying with the lining of his pocket whenever he felt nervous.

"Well, what a lovely bunch you are!" He snickered, looking at the bored faces that sat before him. He stopped once he noticed James, his smile wavering. James stuck out like a sore thumb, but his odd radiance appealed to the dark skinned trouble maker. "Well well, maybe you and I will get along!" he walked over to James, placing his hand on James' desk and leaning forwards. He attempted to loom over the boy, but got a soft laugh in response.

"We will." James snickered a bit, putting his arms on the desk and leaning forwards towards the new student. James had inhumanly cold breath, and once it hit the new kid's face, it sent a chill down his spine. Their eyes locked for what felt like hours for both of them, but James' eyes had quite the piercing gaze naturally built in to them. Ray soon got nervous, but gulped and stood back up.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2020 ⏰

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