Chapter 6

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(Jeff's POV)

As I walked across the hall I heard a soft cry come from the room next to the parents. Curiosity took over me as I walked to the room and opened the door and spotted the small child standing in her crib with tears rolling down her cheeks. The second she spotted me a large smile came over her face and she giggled, causing me to smile back. Damn it Jeff don't be going soft now. I swiftly spun on my heels and walked to my original destination, the room across from the parents. Opening the door I saw the young teen boy facing the opposite way of the door leaning forward in a beanbag chair with headphones in and deeply engrossed in COD on his XBOX. Rolling my eyes at the boy who was currently reminding me of BEN, I walked up behind him and stabbed my knife into his back, watching him fall forward with blood dripping from his lips. He looked up at me with fear in his eyes as he attempted to scoot away from his impending doom. I laughed loudly and grabbed his ankle, pulling him towards me. He continued to try to get away and I stabbed him a few times in the abdomen and finally slitting his throat. Giggling, I carved my infamous trademark into his young face and got up. "Well that was fun but now what do I do with the baby?" I questioned myself knowing I couldn't bring myself to kill her after she smiled at me like that. Sighing, I walked back towards the child's room knowing Slender was gonna kill me when I got home.
Walking up to the to the young girl I smiled and cooed at her smiling face. I started to look around the room and spotted a small backpack in the corner, wiping my hands on the curtains I began to fill the bag with a few outfits, socks, diapers, wipes, toys, a couple sippy cups, and a pair of little shoes. "Be lucky you're cute little girl, because Slender is gonna be pissed at me."
Throwing the backpack on I walked towards the still smiling child and held out my arms towards her she happily held her arms up wanting me to hold her. I let out a low laugh and wrapped a small fluffy blanket around the footie pajama clad toddler, then lifting her into my arms. "Alright little one, let's head home and prepare for a scolding of a lifetime." I carefully walked down the stairs and out the back door towards the woods with the small child cuddled to my bloody chest.
After what felt like forever I spotted the mansion up ahead and looked down at the sleeping toddler with a sigh. "Well here it goes." I mumbled mostly to myself.
As I walked into the front door I realized the house was dark which meant everyone was asleep, I let out a sigh of relief and quickly but carefully ran into my room and quietly shut the door. I lightly set the sleeping girl in the center of my bed and set pillows around her so she wouldn't roll off and grabbed clean pajamas before heading to the bathroom down the hall. I quickly pulled off my bloodied clothes and tossed them in the hamper before hopping in the shower ignoring the slowly warming temperature. After throughly washing myself I hopped out and dried myself before putting on my pajamas and walking back to my room. Once in my room I looked up and spotted the small girl cuddled up to a pillow deep asleep, I moved a few pillows on one side and climbed in carefully before sliding on my sleeping mask and dozing off.
I woke up to small hands tugging at my sleeping mask and pulling at my hair, sliding my mask off I was met with a slobbery kiss on the nose from a now smiling child. Letting out a low laugh I patted her head and said "Good morning little one." Getting out of bed I grabbed her bag and took out a clean diaper, wipes and a onesie, I quickly and awkwardly changed her and picked her up and placed her on my hip, along with a sippy cup i  hand and casually walked out of my door into the empty hall. "Well time to get this over with" I grumbled and began my trek to the kitchen which I was sure was full of other pastas and the proxies, not to mention Slender himself. As I walked in the kitchen went silent but I ignored them as I walked to the fridge and opened it pulling out the jug of milk quickly and skillfully filling up the sippy cup and placing the jug back to it's rightful place. I handed it to the toddler and turned around, "Alright, ask away" I grumbled out. Slender was the first to speak, "Jeffrey Woods what is the meaning of this!?" He practically yelled causing the girl to whimper and hide her face in my shoulder. I glared at him causing him to 'look' shocked, "First of all can you not yell you're scaring her. And second of all, I couldn't kill her she wasn't afraid of me and smiled at me." I said in a snappy manner. Nodding, Slender quietly spoke up again "And why didn't you just leave her to be found by the police and put into an orphanage?" Shrugging, I looked down at her and smiled as her bright brown eyes looked into mine "She likes me." Sighing, Slender shook his head and looked back at me, "Fine but she's your responsibility. How old do you believe she is? What's her name?" Looking back up I replied with a smile "I think she's around one and her name I'm not sure but I'm gonna call her, Thana, it means the death."

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