Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Disclaimer: I don't know anything about stutter treatment/ speech therapy so this is just what I think happens!!!

I also changed Rachelles character a lot so go back to the background information to know her new character background/looks!!!


I needed to fix myself.

For him.

I've been going to speech therapy to practice speaking slower so I could pronounce words easier.

It was pretty frustrating to say the least.

It's been more than a month since me and Benny broke up. We haven't talked since that day.

He was such a jerk to me.

But he was right.

I needed to speak clearly. It was annoying and frustrating that I couldn't say anything without stuttering.

I stopped hanging out with the freaks all together. If we were to hang out it would just be all of us without Benny and I didn't want that.

Not because I don't want to see him. (I REALLY WANT TO SEE HIM!)

It's because I want to surprise him!

He's going to be so happy that I lost my stutter, or at least lost some of it.

But...what if he's not happy?


He wouldn't want that...right?

STOP WITH ALL THESE NEGATIVE THOUGHTS! I need to start thinking positive!

I need my Benny back.


I'm so stupid!

I can't believe I said all those hurtful things to Jackson.

I really miss him!

I want to hug him, kiss him, cuddle with him, and all that lovey-dovey stuff that Rachelle hates.

I really messed up...

WHAT IF HE WAS HOOKING UP WITH OTHER PEOPLE!!! No he would never do that...right? Ugh, this is so annoying it's giving me a headache.

I wish he would hurry up and do whatever he needed to do and come back to me.

I really miss my Jackie Bear.

New text from Jackie Bear

From Jackie Bear:
'Meet meh in the back of the school after classes (;'

To Jackie Bear:

From Jackie Bear:
'You'll find out soon baby (:'

To Jackie Bear:
'Kk see u later'

He wants to meet with me? And he called me baby? Does he want to get back together with me? Does he want to tell me to never talk to him again?!? Whatever, I still have to apologize and make this right!


It was after classes and I was walking to the back of the school thinking of all the things he could possibly have to say to me.

When I finally reached the back of the school I saw Jackson sitting on the ground leaning against the wall queitly mumbling under his breath.

"Um, hey Jackson!" I said while practically shaking in anticipation.

Jackson looked up and smiled. I stared into his pretty heterochromia eyes.

I missed looking into his eyes.

He patted the cement next to him signaling me to sit next to him.

I walked over and sat down while Jackson was just smiling.

"What did you want to tell me?" I said slightly worried.

"W-well I just wanted to say hi, how are you. Also that I really love you?" Jackson said.

My eyes widened in shock.


Is that what he was doing while we were broken up? He was practicing studdering less for me?

Now I seem like an even bigger jerk for telling him all those mean things!

"You barely stuttered Jackie! I'm so proud of you!" I said with a huge grin on my face.

"T-thanks baby!" Jackson said with a slight chuckle.

"Obvi-obviously it's not per-fect but it's b-better." Jackson said.

"No Jackie it sounds really good!"

Then I remembered all the mean things I said to him.

"Hey, Jackie...I didn't mean it, all the things I said to you. I was just mad and wanted to hurt you. That's still not an excuse but I want you to know I'm really sorry, and besides I think your stutter is cute." I said with a slight smile on my face.

"Um...I'm sorry too. I shoul-dn't of called you stupid and c-childish. Cause you're not! I just...I don't know, I'm just r-really sorry."
Jackson said looking down.

"It's ok, and could we...get back together again? Only if you want too!" I said.

Jackson stood up and grabbed my hand so I stood up too. He had a huge smile on his face.

"B-benny Smith, I've lov-ed you for a really long time, so I was you want to be my boy-f-friend?" He said with that stupid smirk of his.

"Yes, I would love to be your boyfriend...again." I said while giggling.

"I love you Benny."

"I love you too Jackie!"

Hope you enjoyed! I don't really know what else to do for their story, but their will be more!!! If you have any suggestions or criticism please tell me!!! Ok...bye now.

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