Part 1:the breakup

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(This all fake. None of it happened. Also this is my first book so expect spelling errors and bad storyline.)

Albert's pov
Albert was on a call with jake when he heard the front door open.
"Albert!" Lana screamed.
"I cant do this anymore. I'm breaking up with you."
"C- cant do what anymore?"
"You're always ignoring me. I just wanna spend time with you but you're always talking to your friends."
Albert ended the call.

Jake's pov
I had just heard the breakup of one of my best love albert. I thought "this is my time to shine."
A few weeks after the breakup
I bought plane tickets to go to albert. I knew what I had to do.

Time skippity
To when he got to (the country Albert's in)

I arrived at the airport then called albert.

Hey albert guess what.
What jake?
I'm coming over.
What how?
I bought plane tickets and I'm waiting at the airport...

Albert's pov
I had heard the best news ever since me and kirsten broke up. I put on a random shirt, pants, and jacket then hurried over the airport.

Another time skippity

I arrived at the airport then I saw him. He rushed over and got into the car with 2 suitcases he put in the back. "Hey jake." "Hey albert."

(Cliff hanger UmU I'm sorry it's short though: 236 words)

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