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Natsu woke up five times that night. It was quite hard to fall back asleep, but the lavender surprisingly worked. She ended up with six hours of sleep the next morning. It was a miracle she even fell asleep at all. Most nights, if she were lucky, she'd end up with two or three hours. On the worst nights, she'd get none at all. It was so weird and so frustrating, because no matter how tired she was, she just couldn't. Fall. Asleep.

It's been a while since she had more than three hours. All six hours of sleep were amazing, and it heavily affected her attitude and the way she carried herself. The brothers were amazed to see her up and about in the morning, making breakfast. And Iori, well, he was beaming, watching her slide three slices of golden-brown french toast onto two plates, adding a huge heap of fruit and whipped cream. 

Tsubaki had swiped at them when he came downstairs that morning, aiming for a slice of toast. His face was met with the cold, hard, ground. 

"What the hell was that for, bastard?!" He seethed, standing up to point an accusing finger at her. "Just because you can't get you beauty sleep doesn't mean you can start acting all arrogant."

 "Don't you think you're being too harsh?" Azusa reasoned, coming to Tsubaki's rescue, "After all, you do  have two plates, don't you?"

Natsu glowered, sitting down at the table. She placed the two plates down, one for her and one for Iori. The latter looked up at her quizzically, as if he was asking nonverbally, Is this for me?  

Natsu nodded, giving him a look that said, Of course it is, who else would it be for?

Iori smiled, taking the plate graciously. His expression said it all. Thank you very much.

Don't mention it, Natsu shrugged, adverting her eyes her away. Sitting down, she stabbed a chunk of toast and began to eat it. 

She turned to Tsubaki mid-chew, waving her fork at him lazily. "First of all, did you ask for some? No, you didn't, you just lunged at me. What was I supposed to do, let you tackle me? " Natsu bit back, now turning to Azusa, "Second of all, did I  ask for your opinion? Just give me a minute, let me find where I asked. Like, please let me use satellite images to find where the hell I asked."

Natsu left the house feeling good, leaving a pissed Tsubaki and Azusa in her wake. 

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