Moses' funeral was packed. Our whole class was there. Along with maybe half the school's population. Moses was part of the Student Government. He was popular. But everyone seemed to buy the "suicide crap" and move on. Only us didn't accept that but we had to move on.
Issa and Karlo apologized to me awhile ago and I apologized too. Soon we sat down and listened to Cj as he read Moses' eulogy. Almost everyone cried. But not me. Nor Drobert. Nor Isabel. Even Cj. All of us already grieved enough.
2 weeks has passed since Moses' funeral. Our class was doing well to be honest. We got back to our daily schedule and classes. The four of us went through our daily habits too. Issa and Karlo didn't investigate anymore but you can still tell that Issa is still angry. Drobert, noisy as ever, is still sad. But all in all, we already accepted it. Some good news even came to our class.
"Class, I have an announcement." the teacher said. "Next week would be our school's Foundation Day."
The whole class practically erupted with cheers.
"wooohhhooo! No class!" William shouted.
Everyone laughed at that, even our teacher.
"Yeah, there would be no classes buuuuttt.. You will have a booth." he said.
"A booth?" asked Daniella
"Yes a booth. Our class, in particular would have Concert Cafe." our teacher answered.
"That's why its gonna be busy but I expect everyone to have fun."
I looked around our class. Everyone was excited. You could see it in their eyes that they needed this distraction.
"Then we should start assigning you to groups. We will have the Band, Kitchen Committee, Service Committee and the Accounting Committee. The band, of course, would play. Kitchen committee would be the chefs or cooks. Service Committee, the waiters. Then Accounting Committee, the cashiers." our teacher explained.
Soon enough, everyone was assigned to their committee. I was in the Service Committee along with Drobert. Cj was in the Kitchen and Issa in the Band. We didn't have classes at all. We were all preparing for the Concert Cafe and even though we were all busy, we were happy. Everyone was so distracted, maybe we all forgot about the whole ordeal.
But soon enough, we received a grave reminder.
Ronald was the one who showed it to us. He came back from the Home Economics room, carrying some rope for our display. It was the fact that he was breathing hard with a bewildered look on his face that alerted us.
"Renz," he told me. "I think you should see this. I think all the boys should see this."
We followed him back to the Home Ec. Room. He shut the door and turned off the lights.
"I saw this when I came to get the rope. Just when I turned off the light, this came out."
He opened the cabinet door where the rope was stored. And what I saw immediately sent shivers on my back.
In luminescent ink, a message was written behind the cabinet door:
"Don't forget what I did. It was me. And Boys, I'm still here.
-The Fifth"

The Fifth
Mystery / ThrillerGenre: Psychological Thriller School Life Drama Tragedy A series of deaths in his school forces Renz and his friends to find the killer themselves. Especially when the murderer seems to be targeting their class and leaves a message every time he kil...