Chapter 3

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"sir, when will we arrive in my station?" Jason said as he was riding a chopper towards his station

"just a bit more. Im just glad that we have more men joining us in this battle."

"I see. Anyways, did the generals tell you anything about me?"

"only that you are just a temporary recruit for about 3 months."

"I see. Okay then, thanks."

After that, they arrived in their destination where Jason was then stationed inside the town of marawi. But then after some time when he was being stationed near the entrance of marawi city, an explosion was heard from the distance where they all became aware.

"what was that?!"

"commander! Shall we also go?"

"no. we stay here until further orders."

Jason was also just sitting at the side as he polishes his MK-16 rifle. Then after a while, orders came in to launch into battle inside marawi city.

"we now have orders soldiers! Lets all suit up!" the commander said from a call in his terminal

"yes sir!"

With that, they now headed towards the battlefield where Jason suddenly vanishes from the scene

"soldiers! Take position!"

"yes sir!"

For a while, there was intense fire on both sides as marawi was under siege by terrorists, then came the reaper which was just regularly walking at the center of the road with just a military pants and without his own jacket.

"commander, should I stun everyone in the city?" Jason asked to the commander which was ducking beside him

"u-uhh.. please no.."

"alright then, you guys just stay there while I do my work."

"hey, w-wait—"

Jason then walks towards the rain of bullets as he had an electromagnetic field around him with a full distance of a whole road. And in there, bullets all ricochet towards the floor around as the field also lifted the soldiers around where they all crashed towards any side of the field.

"commander, take them now while they are maybe unconscious." Jason shouted as he still walked forwards

The commander was in shock when they all saw the reaper take on the whole terrorist army along the way. This continued up until the last site where the terrorists were all cornered in their last line of defense. By then, many other soldiers were now right behind the reaper whom just picked up the terrorist after they fell on the other side. And when they reached an intersection of another barangay, there was then a child who was in pain, covering his ears and as if his head was in pain and in the middle of the battlefield.

Jason noticed this and observed the situation for a while, but then the child released some kind of waves where the ground shook all over the place. It was then that Jason ran towards the child so that he can shield the child from any force that was disturbing him.

"hey kid! Look at me!" Jason said as he took off his mask for a while with his electrical field now going up in voltage, surrounding them in a dim light which others cant see them.

"y-yes." the child said as Jason got his head when he almost collapsed

"calm down alright.. and breathe.."

"hahh.." the child took a deep breath

"now what is your name?"

"m-my name is tison."

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