2. Tight Rope

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"Doc it's not just media anymore, half of the earth is bursting open the lab gates, do something, who made you a professor, you're just a kid. Are you listening professor we're going to die. These people are out of their minds..."

Calm down Jennifer. That's enough panicking, here have some water and take deep breaths.
Good_ you look better now. See, sit tight infront of the screen. Watch the celebrity handle the chaotic fans.

Jonathan finally spoke, "Doctor Abdul Rafey, i have always sided with your composure but it's too late for that now. May be it's because you don't realise but we're only 13 doctors and 78 staff members. The 60 thousand people you fired last week earned us so much fame, no one wants to work with us anymore. And just for the sake of getting facts straight_ we're still floating in the mesosphere. Not everyone could have means to reach us at this 60km height. I am betting my life on it that all these barking people outside are high standing officials. We're so very dead."

Doc: "Woah Johnny it's rare seeing you flip.But look at the bright side, most of the 100 member debut batch is still intact since day one Masha Allah. Hmm about the new hires_ they needed to accept every life is equally important. I couldn't stand the egoistic cheapskates who would rather_ huh *sigh* let's just stop_ i am open to discussion but it's not the right time for it. Miss Stella please get my capsule and M13 suit ready. Oi Johnny Big guy, dr. Panicking Rose and and all the rest of you pale arses _ you've worked hard and you're all good people. Everything is going to be fine. It's not our fault. I know you're all angry and genuinely worried but we did the right thing warning them about what's to come and they should have been grateful. Instead it's their conservativity if they think it's somehow our doing because we were the first ones to cause the ruckus. Don't blame yourself for what's not your fault. Too bad they are imagining things on their own_ let us give them some food for thought as well."

Elena shouted, " What do you think you're doing Sir? Get out of the capsule.You're not going in there alone doctor Abdul Rafey. It's too dangerous. What if_ huh?  Haaaahh, some body stop this madness. Turn the engine down this instant dr. Abdul Rafey or we'll shut down the main_"

Calm down miss Elly it's all good. See the magician at work, would ya~ Jana..

All the staff and doctors were freaking out throwing indiscriminate curses at their over-confident, narasassistic, self-obsessed, suicidal, slave driving boss man. Unfortunately, he was too much of a handsome genius they could just refuse to follow the lead of. Though now of all times his kindness was seemingly marking the end of everything they had achieved over the 10 long tiring years of their youth peak.

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