A Stormy Night

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First of all; My initials really are M.L.G!

Second; I only called this a diary since it made the title slightly rhyme.

Finally; I don't have a clue to why I made this...

Now that that's out of the way, I will actually start ranting about life, instead of the title

It's currently about 3:00a.m and I am wide awake. Why? Because it's raining and lightninging and thundering. I never tell people to their face, but I hate it. I can't sleep, think, and do anything while the clouds in the sky are grey like they are now.

Right now I'm a 14yr old whose in a foetal position writing out what I'm doing. For now I will do the only thing I can: getting lost in the internet. ☔💧⚡

With any luck, I'll just tune the storm out with music. Also maybe a pillow. Welp, this is and average stormy night for M.L.G! I'm not proud of it...

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