The coincidence that started YouTube and Wattpad

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At school, I always feel alone when I say things like "I love my brother", and " I like having siblings. Just about everyone at school tells me how annoying and irritating they are.

Maybe it's because my sister is the reason I play video games. Inadvertently, she even was my beginning to Wattpad!

It started when I was trying to convince her to try out Minecraft. She 'didn't understand it'. To convince her, I looked up Minecraft. It sent me to YouTube. On this magical website, I looked up minecraft once again. The video that popped out to me was Minecraft marriage ep.1 by xxslyfoxhoundxx!

I showed it to her and she LOVED it. She watched a little of the series while I practically stalked his channel, waiting for each part. That's how I got into YouTube. That was more then three years ago.

On one of his videos, he mentioned the creatures! I looked up them and fell In love with every single one of them! Then one day they had a nice video called "Dex's Flight". On that video they briefly talked to him about Fanfiction.

As curious as I was stupid, I searched up Creatures Fanfiction without even really knowing what that meant. It sent me here, to Wattpad. This was around the Summer of 2014 probably July? I think..

Funny how my sister got me into all this without doing anything. I will always thank her for it, even if it was all a coincidence.

That's my story, and it is convenient! =)

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