Chapter 1~ The Visit

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(Authors Note: Welcome to our story. I'm Kaylee, probably the main writer of this particular story. Im accompanied by our other owners Francine and Mackenna in writing. Mackenna made our cover. So while reading this story we are not responsible for any injuries or death that you may experience from the feels created. This story was created at 3 in the morning by me texting random imagines that I was receiving in a head cannon and this is sort of a sting of those. Rated PG 13 maybe, I would advise you don't read this if you're under 10. Happy reading.)


"This Thanksgiving I'm thankful for you" I said to the man across the table from me, Jordan Maron

"This Thanksgiving I'm even more thankful for you" he replied staring into my eyes.

Staring back myself I sorta mumbled "I love you" and he replied once more that he loved me more. I didn't believe it though, nobody could ever love anyone more than I loved him. Our gazes broke and we began to eat. Jordans mother had made a big dinner and invited him over, and apparently I was invited too. She had been in the kitchen when out eyes had caught each other's just a few minutes ago. She was extremely nice welcoming me into her home, which I was extremely grateful for. Together the Marons and I ate turkey and stuffing as well as potatoes. For the most part of the meal there was silence, but I was watching. Miss Maron had been watching me, she wanted to make sure I was the one for her son. After the meal filled with awkward silence and stares she went to the kitchen to clean plates.

Jordan came over and helped me out of my chair, and I observed he was wearing jeans rather than the usual green shorts. Jordan and I had been in a relationship for almost a year now, and we were most definitely in love. He loved me for who I was, I loved him for who he was, no problems. Jordan and I stood up together and without me even noticing we were in our jackets and about to head out the door with or fingers intertwined. When I was with Jordan the time flew by.

We exited the house thanking Jordans mother and got into his car. We sat there together for a second preparing for the hour drive we were about to encounter. For the whole car ride we turned up the radio and sang together. We sang whatever song came on. If there was multiple parts he would sing first and I would begin second, if there weren't we'd switch off every line. It was like our little game.

Eventually we ended up back at his condo building, and got out. He wrapped one arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him. The doorman greeted him and we got into the mirror paneled elevator. The doors shut, now we would take the long ride up to the 48th floor. I just looked at him. Then he turned to face me directly, brushing any hair obstructing the view of my face away and kissed me from the 13th to the 36th floor. We pulled away and I caught my breath.

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