My OC!

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Name: Sakatua Mogoama

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian

Species: True Demon (Extremely powerful but has a limit obvs) 

Personality: A troublemaker at heart, will go out of her way to do anything that is deemed illegal, even murder, she's escaped juvie too many times to count. She's the third most wanted demon in Azatac. 

Magic: Unknown (Find out in the roleplay!) 

Likes: The suffering of those below her, escaping from jail, illegal acts, no mercy, fighting, using her magic 

Dislikes: Good people, strict rules, cheesy storylines, predictable people, homophobia (even she hates homophobes), fancy clothes, dresses

Strengths: Amazing reflexes and fighting skills, takes a leader role sometimes, can get out of a lot of bad situations 

Weaknesses: Too trusting into a person once she knows them well enough, holy items, girls (she's a predictable lesbian) 

Other: The daughter of an infamous demon leader

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