Data 14 ~ Festival

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~ Your POV ~

When Koujaku and I got out of Platinum Jail, it was about 6 PM so the getting used to everything again was a little harsh on me. I hadn't eaten anything in the days I was in Oval Tower so Koujaku and I ate some food at his apartment. While we were there, Koujaku got a change of clothes and I checked up on Pash. Afterwards we decided to go to Aoba's house to let him know I'd come back.

"Ah, (Y/N)! Koujaku! You're back! I'm glad!" Aoba says as he opens the door. I smile at him as he lets us in. We spend a couple of hours to catch up over some tea. Suddenly, I remember something important. "Ah, Tae-san, can I ask you something? In private?" I ask to which Tae-san sighs in annoyance as she gets out of her chair. We walk into the living room and close the door. "What's with the private talking? Something you want?" She asks.

"Well, I don't want Koujaku to hear this, but do you have any experience with kimono's, Tae-san?"


After we leave the Seragaki residence, Koujaku brings me back home. After he kisses me goodnight, I look him in the eyes. "Uhm... Koujaku?" I ask. "Hm?" I look down a bit. "W-well... Will you...." I start. Koujaku lifts my face gently. "What is it (Y/N)?" He asks with a soft smile. "...Will you please spend the night with me?" I ask as Koujaku falls silent for a bit. After a pause he nods. "Nothing would make me happier." He says with a smile. I smile back at him and open my front door. Koujaku follows me as we both take off our shoes. I put down my bag on the kitchen floor and get Pash out again.

"Hello again, Pash." I greet her with a smile. "Good evening (Y/N)." She responds as she flies onto my shoulder. "Hey (Y/N), I have a question. Why did you name her Pash? Does it have a special meaning?" Koujaku asks and I smile. "Yup! I learned the word when I visited Australia." I say. "Australia? So wait, what does it mean?" He asks. "I can show you." I say a little mischievious. Koujaku looks a little confused as I lean in and peck him on the lips. He pecks me back with slight confusion.

"So it means kiss?" Koujaku asks to which I nod. "Yup. It's Australian slang for kiss. So when I say: Give us a pash, love-" I'm interrupted by Koujaku's lips on mine again. "Like that?" He asks with a smirk. I nod with a smile. "You learn quick, Koujaku." We both laugh as I grab his hand. He smiles as he sees our entangled hands. "I'm so excited for the festival tomorrow." I say with a smile. "Me too. Because I'm going with the most beautiful girl on the planet." Koujaku says as he pecks my forehead. I blush a little at his remark.

"Are you going to work tomorrow?" He asks as we sit down on the couch. "Probably. Still have to pay the bills, after all!" I say with a smile. "Hm, then I guess I'll open the shop tomorrow too. To distract myself before it's the evening." Koujaku decides and I nod. We sit in silence for a bit before I muster up my courage. "Hey Koujaku?" I ask a little nervous. "What is it, (Y/N)?" I take a deep breath before continuing. "Can you tell me what happened to you in the past?" I ask. Koujaku raises his brow. "...I don't mind telling you, but why do you want to know?" He asks.

"Well, since we're a couple and all I want to know what kind of things you've experienced in the past because I'm worried and care for you. That's why..." I explain. Koujaku pecks my cheek and smiles. "Okay, I'll tell you. I'll stop anytime though, so don't hesitate to tell me, okay?" He says and I nod in response. I grab his other hand too as Koujaku starts talking. He tells me about his childhood when he lived on Midorijima and his friendship with Aoba. He tells me how he moved to the mainland and that Ryuuhou tattooed him there. When I hear what happened to his mother I fight back a couple of tears but I don't tell Koujaku to stop talking. I want to hear everything.

"... And that's basically how we got to this point in time. Are you okay (Y/N)?" Koujaku asks as he ends his story. I wipe away some tears and nod. "Yeah... I'm happy you told me. I just... God Koujaku, I feel so bad for you." I say and Koujaku embraces me. "It's okay, (Y/N). You're with me now and I've never felt better." He says. I look at the table and see Beni and Pash in sleep mode, cuddled up next to eachother. "I'm a little tired now..." I say softly, still nuzzled up against Koujaku. "Hm? Do you want to go to sleep? Koujaku asks to which I nod in response. He kisses the top of my head and lifts me up, holding me bridal style.

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