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Sometimes I just want to tell Miley let's just run away. I would rather be in a foster home than here with Alley. Even though she always pretends to be nice she really isn't.

I still can remember when she slapped me. Who sits around and beat on kids? I wish I did know who my mom, and dad were.

I always pretend my mom,and dad are here, and their just away on a trip, and they are gonna walk through the door any day now, and rescue Miley, and I from this nightmare.

I always stare out the window hoping I see a car driving up, and it's our mommy, and daddy.

Me being a kid you would think I would sit around and cry about it, but I don't.

I have to be a tough cookie. In a lot of my dreams there is this tall man, who is really nice by the way. He always smile at me, and say" come on be a tough cookie,don't give up now".

He smiles at me patting on the top of my head. Then I wake up.

I wonder If that man in my dream my daddy? Could he be my daddy?

Dreams come true I know they do.
I even pray every night,and ask God to send me my mommy,and daddy back.

I know he will, he gotta, he just gotta.

"God send your Angel's down, let them bring our mommy, and daddy back to us", I would always say quietly.

Looking out that same old window falling asleep at the table with my face in my book I wait, and I wait.

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