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"I love you Eiji."
"I love you too"

Denki POV

Right now in Japan there's a new law. any persons known to be lgbt are punished by execution. I don't know how it got this way, but because of this, the majority of the people already known to be in the community have gone into hiding. and most that were not known, won't tell anyone.

I've been out as bisexual since my second year at UA. Everyone knew. I was the first out person in my year, and one of very few out in the school. After my coming out others started to come out as well. Mina came out as lesbian, Jiro also came out as bisexual shortly after a quick fling with me.. and realized she liked girls more than guys. Kirishima came out as gay, as well as Bakugo, Midoriya, and Aoyama. The rest of class 2a was thankfully very supportive of all of us, but at the time most others weren't.

Kirishima and I had started dating shortly after we both came out early into our second year, and we were together for four years. But after the new law was past, we broke up for multiple reasons. safety and otherwise. We were both heartbroken, but knew that it was probably best.

The amount of people that were accepting rapidly started to decrease around my third and final year of high school, but nobody thought it would get as bad as it did.

After the law was past about a year ago, some people stood up to the government. Some lgbt and some just strong allies. And I was one of those people.

Thankfully the hero's refused to do anything to the lgbt community, and most were supportive and disagreed with this new found law. but couldn't stand up to the government because of their job. And surprisingly, majority of the villains wouldn't do anything either. Some even hunted and killed people who supported this law.

I lost my job at the hero agency I had been working for because of this. The people agreed with what I did and stood for, but had to let me loose. Despite this, I continued on with my hero work, and became an underground hero. And soon became a hero to more people than ever.

Even though I worked as an underground hero, my popularity had sky rocketed. But I had to move around a lot, and people almost never knew of my whereabouts, but almost everyone knew who I was. I constantly stood against the law and fought for the cause, and like some villains, would kill some of the government that supported this and the people that would kill people in the community. Some people agreed with this, some people didn't and wanted me dead. But most didn't know about that at all. It was more or less a theory that I was behind the killings and that i had turned to villainy. But majority of the population didn't know about them, or refused to believe them. Now, I didn't turn to villainy and I still work as a hero. I know it's not necessarily morally right, and it's not legal. but I've save hundreds of lives doing this, and if that's not a hero, than what is. In my eyes the people doing this are villains and they got what what they deserved.

I knew today was going to be the end of my journey as a hero. but since I started standing up to the government and law, more and more people have been as well.

After months of working on trying to find me, and after multiple failed attempts to catch me, the military police finally did.

Third person POV

"This is *something something* news, and Pro Hero Denki Kaminari, one of the most wanted people in the country, is running down an ally way with the military police right behind him and it appears he will be cornered." Said the news reporter while in a helicopter above the seen that was taking place right below.

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