what they do when they miss you

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-facetimes you constantly
-looks through his pictures with you
-goes through your instagram
-can't wait until he gets
back from filming


-writes a song about you to sing
to you when he gets back
-always facetiming you
during breaks
-goes through his snapchat memories of you two
-texting you constantly


-goes through all the photos/videos
you have together
-calls you late at night just to here your voice
-remembers that there's only a certain
amount of days left until you visit him on set
so that makes him happy again


-high key gets sad & when he's not filming
he'll sit in his trailer and go through memories
-facetimes you
-you surprise him and tell him that you're
flying out to atlanta in the next 3 days
-makes him so happy
-bear hugs you when you get there

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