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Re-examine all that you have been told,

dismiss all that insults your soul. . .

Walt Whitman


"Bella love?" My husbands words burst from his lips. I opened my eyes to look into his. "We have to go now."

"No!" I fought. "I want to stay here with you longer." I pulled him back into me and crushed my lips to his. We were in our meadow. The flowers in their full bloom. Bursting with colour, the sun was shining down upon us. Our skin sparkling in its light. Edward pushed me off again.

"We have forever to come back here, and be ourselves. But Renesmee and Jacob will be packed. We have to get to the airport." Oh yeah. I had forgotten. After our encounter with The Volturi and the guard, Edward and I promised Renesmee a trip to Europe. It had been planned a few days before the encounter, in a way to calm her. To give her something else to focus on and be excited about. Now that all of our witnesses had traveled back to where they came from, we were free again to do as we pleased without the pressure to entertain guests.

"Right." I said. I kissed him once more, in the way that was inviting for something else. But before he could get too carried away, I stood up and looked down on him. I reached out my hand. "Come on." I said. "We have to go don't we?" I smiled. He smiled that Crookes smile, that became even more beautiful in to my vampire eyes

"You, Mrs Cullen, are a tease." He took my hand in his and I assisted him to his feet. He wrapped his arm around me and we strode through the meadow towards the depth of the trees. I turned to take one last look. My family would be gone for a while, maybe a couple of months. But we would be back to forever, and a happy peaceful existence. Something we had prayed for, for far too long.

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