When i wake up rain is pattering on the roof of his car. I look out of the window. "Where are we? W-Where are you taking me?!" I start tearing up as i see the devilish smile peering across Damiars face. "Hey baby girl its ok I won't hurt you" He starts to grab my hand, I snatch it away. He looks like he is very angry with me. "I'm sorry" I place my hand next to his. He grabs it tightly. "Listen I'm taking you somewhere safe and clean. Where you won't be hurt from anyone or anything." I look out the window now unable to hold back my tears. The sound of his phone ringing makes me jump and yelp. He takes his hand away from mine and picks up the phone. "Hello?" After a few minutes of him talking he hangs up looking mad. He slams his hand against the steering wheel i jump slightly. Then he runs his soft hands through his soft fluffy green hair.
"A-Am I going to die?" I finally get up the courage to ask. He looks at me in disbelief. "You think i want to kill you?" He actually looks hurt. He shakes his head, pulls over, and closes his eyes. "No no I don't want to hurt you. I love you. I will always love you. You aren't going to leave me are you?" I shake my head vigorously. "N-No I won't leave you i promise." He nods...he believes me, but what will happen when he finds out I'm lying? I start mumbling under my breath absolute non-sense. "What are you saying?" He looks at me concerned. "I don't really know." He looks back at the road. "Are you hungry? We can go to a restaurant if you like." He trusts me?