Chapter 13

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Dakota stepped in front of the mirror taking big deep breaths to keep from panicking. She hated going out. Especially with such short notice. She fussed with her auburn locks, and touched up the little bit of makeup she put on. She fidgeted with the button down plaid shirt, wondering if it was too tight around her chest. The same could be said about her pants that were tighter than the usual ones she wore. She wondered if she had put on a few pounds since she bought these nice clothes but quickly shooed that idea out of her head before she started fretting about other things. A soft knock on the door made her suck in a startled breath.

"Are you ready?" asked Colt on the other side. She swore his voice made the door rattle with his low soft tone.

"Yes. I'll be right out."

Dakota grabbed her white cowboy hat and quickly adjusted it on her head before opening the door. She found herself frozen in place when a pair of gray eyes met hers. Colt's eyes reminded her of a hungry wolf. They slowly moved down making her cheeks flare with embarrassment.

"Is something wrong?" she managed to ask with a dry throat.

"Nothing," he said quietly as he turned to the keys hanging on the living room wall.

She watched him keep his back turned to her. She looked down at her outfit in worry. What if there was a hole? Was it too revealing? She looked back up at Colt and examined his outfit to compare. His black shirt was hugging his broad shoulders, the white pearl snaps glowing against the stark contrast. It was tucked in his dark blue jeans and he was wearing a square silver belt buckle. She wanted to crack a joke about Texas and how big his belt buckle was but decided against it. She wasn't hating the outfit. He looked sharp and she was sure he knew it.

On the other hand, she was sure she didn't look as good as him. She had a pair of nice brown boots, simple jeans with a few rhinestones, a green plaid shirt to match her eyes, and a white hat. She looked back down at her outfit, trying to think if she had anything better to put on.

"Maybe I should change," she muttered.

"Don't. You look.....great," he said, his back still turned to her.

"You don't sound so convinced. Let me see what else I have to wear. Should girls wear dresses when they go out? I've never done that before. Do I need to pull up my hair? Or wear more makeup? Do I look like I just got off work?"


Dakota closed her mouth before she continued to ramble her insecurities about going out she wasn't fully aware she had. He turned back around and was staring at her with an unreadable expression.

"I don't want you to take any offense, but any man who sees you looking like that is going to get excited."

Dakota raised an eyebrow. He sighed and mumbled under his breath, "Excited as in below the belt.".

Here she was worried about her clothes looking too casual or holes. She wondered if that is why he turned around. She tried to keep her blush down and her eyes straight ahead instead of taking a sneak peek of his tight jeans.

"Well, if you're ready, I am," she said, wanting to change the subject.

Colt nodded and opened the front door for her.

"We'll take my truck. That way he won't recognize yours while we drive around."

"Fair enough," said Dakota as she walked carefully across the porch in her boots.

"Here," said Colt, offering her his arm.

She would usually refuse. But even though Colt plowed and there was salt down, there was a chance she would fall with these fancy boots. There was no traction under them whatsoever. She debated for a split second before he took her arm anyway.

"I can walk just fine on ice," said Dakota.

"It won't kill you to have help just to the truck that's just a few feet away," said Colt.

She felt him slip on the ice twice before he opened the passenger seat for her.

"I think you needed help more than I did. You just wanted to use me as your safety net," said Dakota with a smirk.

Colt blinked a few times before sheepishly smiling.

"Texas boy remember," he said as he shut the door.

She held back a giggle as she watched him slip again in front of the truck, holding on to the hood for dear life. He finally made it in the driver's seat, seemingly relieved to not be outside any longer.

"Before we go, I have to tell you something," said Colt, his grin slowly fading into a serious note.

Dakota waited patiently, wondering what was on Colt's mind. He was drumming his thumb on the steering wheel as he chewed on his lip. She started to grow more worried the longer he didn't speak.

"I came across something the other day. I didn't want to tell you, afraid you would be ashamed even though you should never feel that way. You mentioned the phrase 'safety net' and it made me think of the card sitting in your bathroom."

Dakota's heart plummeted. She was glad he was still staring ahead. She didn't think she could look him in the eye after that bombshell.

"You were never suppose to see that," whispered Dakota.

"I know. Don't be mad. Just know you don't have to live in fear any more. I'll end this one way or another. Hopefully tonight if I can give him a false lead. I had no idea you had no one to lean on when I gave you that card so I'm glad you held on to it. All of us need someone, no matter how tough we are."

Dakota couldn't help but smirk. He was right. As usual. She looked up to see he was smirking at her back.

"You ready to set the town on fire?" asked Colt with excitement.

"I hope you don't mean literally," she snickered.

"Of course not. That would be arson."

Dakota groaned, "Oh no, here comes the cop humor.".

Colt's laughed as he started the engine. She wasn't sure if it was his voice or the truck's roar that hummed through her. Either way, it was soothing. 

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