Chapter 17

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Damienette arranged marriage: part 17


"No Father..." Adrien's expression changed and for the first time Gabriel saw himself in the boy. This was not the gentle, naive boy. It was almost like he looked in the mirror. Cold and calculative eyes and malicious smirk. "She will be mine. And we shall have a perfect family together, like we always dreamed."



After his father recalled his Akuma, Adrien returned home as quickly as possible. He had to discuss this development with his father. He sneaked into the manor and to his room. There, he detransformed. Plagg came out dizzied

"Ugh! Remind me to apologize to Nooroo for all the bad things I said to him."

"Silence! I told you to behave accordingly." Adrien scolded his Kwami. His father taught him that if he kept it obedient, he would have much less trouble with pestering and trying to sabotage him.

"Yeah yeah. Stuff your 'accordingly' down your..." Plagg's voice was stuck in his theoretical throat. "Yes... Master." He huffed and flew to his spot on the bed.

Adrien decided to just ignore the pestering kwami and went down to his father's atelier. He of course was not there, but Adrien just walked to the platform and traveled down to the lair. The whole time there was only one thought pestering him constantly. The moment he shared with his princess.

Adrien saw the fear in her eyes when he tried to kiss her. For a moment he thought that maybe it was a mistake, but then he actually understood. This boy, Damian, must have done something to her. Once their lips met she reacted in pain and gripped her heart. There was this eerie green light. Maybe if not for his own pain, Adrien would be able to help her. He was now more sure than ever that he needed to save her from that monster. Whatever it was, he could see the pain and fear it caused her. It was something unnatural. And then there was this meddling Superbrat. Adrien never liked them. Most people adored them, but he considered them overrated. Maybe it was because he was once forced to do a photoshoot with Superman. Or maybe he just didn't like them.

"Father." He greeted Gabriel once he arrived.

"I saw it too, Son." His father did not bother with introduction. "It certainly... complicates the matter."

"So what should do we do now, Father?" Adrien asked unsure.

"I knew that it was only a matter of time before the Justice League got involved." Gabriel stated and walked to the wall, opening the pannel.

"You prepared?"

"Of course I prepared you st... Of course I prepared." The older man stopped himself from insulting his son. He couldn't afford to lose his trust now. "It took some work, but I prepared contingency plans for the leaguers that would actually pose the danger. That is those, who can't be controlled and used to further our goals."

"So we have nothing to worry about?" Adrien beamed.

"There is always a place for failure son. And it's better to be a realist than an optimist."

"Of course father." The boy calmed and took submissive stance. "Forgive my enthusiasm."

"If there is nothing else, I would like to..." Gabriel started, but his son interrupted him.

"Actually, there is one more thing." Adrien started a bit unsure. "Today, when I kissed my princess... Something happened to her. There was an eerie green light around her heart and she seemed in pain."

"Hm... Interesting. Was there anything else?" His father actually expressed some curiosity on the matter.

"Well, I think it might have been caused by this new boy, Damian Grayson. I am afraid he might have done something to her."

"I will ask Nathalie to do some research into him. But this only affirms our need to get the Ladybug Miraculous."

"You are right as always father." Adrian complimented him.

"Yes. Have you done your homework already? I do not wish for our extracurricular activities to interrupt your schoolwork."

"I will get right to it father." The boy was about to run away, but he turned back to him. "I also wanted to thank you for helping me find her and make sure she was safe. I would have real trouble with locating her if not for you."

"Yes Yes. I am sorry, but I need to make some calls now. Get to your homework." Gabriel dismissed his son and turned to the wall computer.


Marinette sat on the couch with her parents on either side hugging her tightly. Damian wanted to comfort her as well, but he decided that her parents would do a better job. Instead, he just sat in front of his mother who, even after two hours since Marinette and him came, was still tied to the chair and gagged. He liked her better like that. Silent and not judging.

That's a lie. She had the most judging look in her eyes ever. But he didn't need to hear her so who cares?

"Again, I'm sor..." Marinette stopped herself. Her parents already also forbid her from using this word today. "I should have told you before."

"No. You had right not to. It was your duty." Tom comforted her.

"Sweety. It's not like we didn't hide any secrets from you." Sabine mussed Marinette's hair.

"About that." Damian interrupted the family bonding. "As much as I find my mother tied and gagged amused, can someone explain how exactly did you manage that? After all she is only like... second most dangerous woman on the planet."

"Simple. I am the first." Sabine stated without flinching.

"Aren't you exaggerating a bit maman?" Marinette asked lightheartedly.

"About that..." Tom started, but Sabine gestured for him to stop.

"I think it will be best if I tell the truth." She looked at Damian for a moment, but then returned her sight to Marinette. "It has mostly to do with your grandfather. My mother had two daughters actually. Me and my sister. Her name is Sandra Wu-San, better know as Lady Shiva"

"What the fuck!?" Was Damian's reaction.

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