Chapter 1: Interruptions

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16 Years Ago

Chapter 1

April 1st 20XX

Mustafu City

7:00 PM

Aizawa was already running late, he over slept and was running like his life depended on it, however as he was running to school a villain battle was happening in the middle of the road. A band of thugs had tried to jump All Might. Being the number one hero he was all over Japan and that gave him plenty of enemies to face however it was still a hassle to get past these huge fights. It's not that Aizawa didn't appreciate All Might, he just had a lot on his mind and he honestly just wanted time to think before he went to school

Aizawa: Figures on the first day of U.A I'd be stuck in this mess

Aizawa was tired of waiting so he tried sneaking around the battle but he ran into a villian

Villain: So ya think your some sorta tough guy do ya, are we bothering you sorry we inconvenience you *kicks Aizawa in the chest sending him flying back* sike I hate snot-nosed punks like you now *his fingernails glowed* Now prepare to face my special move GLUE LASER

The glue laser didn't hit Aizawa, in fact it didn't even activate

Villain: What happened

Aizawa: It me so just turn yourself in and maybe I'll give you back your quirk *lieing knowing his quirk only erases a persons quirk as long as he looks at them*

Villain: *seeing through the ruse* Ha Ha Ha shows what you know only the boss can take peoples quirks. He even gave me this glue quirk to boot. Nothing can stop me and especially not you kid so let me go and maybe I won't end your life here and now.

Aizawa's eyes were burning but he had to keep them open, but still Aizawa blinked only for a second and just the second was all the villain needed to launch an attack.

All Might: Coming in from the side!!! Detroit Smash

All Might sent the villain crashing to the ground

Aizawa: Thanks All Might *turning to walk away*

All Might: *smiling* Now young man can I ask you a question?

Aizawa: *annoyed that he was going to be late* What is it?

All Might: That man said his boss can take away quirks right?

Aizawa: Yeah why? It's probably just some nonsense

All Might: Yes of course don't worry about it *noticing Aizawa's uniform* So you go to U.A.

Aizawa: Yeah it's my first day, hopefully I'm not late

All Might: Then let me help you *taking Aizawa by the hand and jumping high into the air*

All Might soared about the buildings as he made a landing on the street leading to U.A

All Might: Now, now don't be late class is very important for a young hero

Aizawa: Thanks again All Might

All Might: Hey maybe when you become a hero I'll see you around *turns and jumps back to the scene from before

Aizawa: That All Might really is something, *takes a deep breath and brushes the dirt from his sleeve* Let's hope I don't have to use my quirk today *walks toward the gates of U.A.

What will the future hold for Aizawa, will he see All Might again, will he have to use his quirk? Find out next time.

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