Final Exams

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"Ladies, don't leave quite yet!" The White Queen said as the bell rang, signaling the end of the class. The girls all groaned, but dropped back into their seats nevertheless. And if Darling did ever so discreetly flip the teacher off as she did so, nobody needs to know.

"I promise you this will only take a minute of your time," the woman at the front continued. "As you know, graduation is in about two weeks, give or take a few days. It's time for your final. I warn you, it won't be easy. As you know, when your prince comes for you, he may not like you. Perhaps it's based on personal biases, or he just never saw you that way at school. Whatever the reason, you'll have to charm him.

"The best way to charm someone, is of course, with a song. Now, we're not just doing any musical exercise. This is a final, after all. So, I want everyone to come up here and take a hair clip and a remote." The White Queen placed a box onto her desk. Inside were crown shaped hair clips in all sorts of colors with small, white boxes held to the clips by a piece of tape. Each box had a button on it, small enough to be hidden. All the clips had a black pearl on them. The girls in class went up slowly and took the items before returning to their seats.

"These hair clips have cameras in them. The pearls are the cameras, actually. The button turns the camera portion on and off. You all have two days to find a girl in the school who does not know about the assignment and sing to her a love song. After all, if you can use your voice to even semi-charm a girl, you'll have no problem with boys. We will be uploading them in class on Monday. Class dismissed!"

"Can you believe this? Why a girl?" Holly grumped as she walked out.

"Oh, come on. It won't be that bad," Poppy tried to say. Of course, she was biased, considering she already had a girlfriend who wasn't in Princessology who she could sing to.

"Really?" Holly asked. "Why won't it be "that bad"? We need to basically get a girl to fall in love with us."

"Not fall in love!" Poppy said defensively. "Just... almost fall in love."

"Why do I even have to take this class in the first place?" Darling muttered to Rosabella. "I think it's pretty clear from the Evil Queen incident that I'm supposed to rescue Apple. Being a proper process won't help me with that!"

"Keep your voice down!" Rosabella whispered. "Do you really want to get expelled two weeks before graduation? And I don't get it, either. I'm supposed to be the hero of my story. I don't need to "charm" anyone. And I'm not ever going to follow my destiny. My destined prince doesn't even like me in that way, plus, you know..." her voice trailed off as she looked around and saw that they were in the locker halls. She nodded her head in the direction of Ramona Badwolf, along with about 8 other students.

"Well, gee, must be fun having your girlfriend not be in the class," Darling whispered sharply.

~time skip to Tuesday because I'm lazy af ✌️~

"Now girls, most of you did average on the assignment. However, two videos stuck out to me as being... well... awful," White Queen said. "We aware going to watch those two first. I apologize to both girls who these belong to." She turned the projector on.

The door to Briar and Faybelle's room opened. Briar's voice began singing

"I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drums
Oh, what a shame that you came here with someone
So while you're here in my arms
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
We're gonna die young
We're gonna die young"

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