Chapter one

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Chapter one: your arms look a little stronger.



--- Four years later ---

Louis Tomlinson once said, "what hurts you is gonna pass, and you'll have learned from it when it comes back."

The past destroyed me; it ruined my future.

He also said, and I quote, "time takes time to heal it, you can't do it by yourself, oh whatever tears you apart; don't let it break your heart."

My friends always taught me to leave the past in the past, just to let go of the past. However, it's hard because I can't control what goes on in my mind. I try to find a way to stop thinking of the past, and the only way I can do that is to find a distraction.

I have tried everything.

Food, I gained weight. So, I stopped.

Binge-watching Netflix led me to depression, and I got addicted to it.

I met people through social media, became zoned out of reality.

I loved a guy to distract me, but it led to him using me.

I sighed as I stare at the ceiling, lost in my thoughts; I did not realize that Leo walked into the room. The smell of chicken hit my nostrils, and I glanced at Leo; he was holding a plate of food.

"Your favorite," he said; he sat on the edge of the bed. He handed me the plate with coke in his other hand. I grabbed both of them and placed them on my bed.

"You went to McDonald's?" I asked, chuckling at him.

"Scar, I cooked this for you," he faked a gasp. "I'm offended that- okay, yeah, I went to McDonald's!"

"Look at you, learning how always to tell the truth!" I grinned at him.

He didn't say anything, and he just rolled his eyes at me. I kissed his cheeks, and I saw that his cheeks turned red.

I shared my food with Leo as we sat and talked about life; suddenly, he jumped excitedly. "Chase is coming today after a long two years."

Speaking of Chase, after the morning, I almost broke my ankle due to being late for school, he started not waking me up, but he kept leaving notes next to my bed, but sometimes I wake up, and so, we stay up talking about anything and everything.

"Eleanor told me," I said quietly.

Leo sighed, "I know you guys didn't end on good terms, but now that he's here, you can try to work things out."

"I don't want to," I sighed. "Chase was a lot of work, and it's impossible to please him. It's hard to make him happy, Leo."

"I know, he's my brother; give him a chance, Scar," Leo patted my shoulder. "I bet he's changed."

Eleanor and Joey sent Chase to his aunt's house due to his bad behavior. Both couldn't control him, and he wasn't helping them know how to manage if that makes sense.

I closed my eyes, letting the memory of Chase throwing plates everywhere; his face looked so scary; I could never forget how he looked at me, saying, 'I wish you died with your parents'.

That's when I knew that words hurt more than bruises. Chase's terms were like a huge knife, and he stabbed me with his words.

But I didn't do anything.


I looked out the window, and a black van pulled into the driveway; the van stopped, and getting out of the truck was a man in his forties, a lady in her forties, a teenage girl who looked our age, and Chase.

But damn, doesn't he look so different.

His hair grown a little longer, his legs grew a little as well. A smile crossed my face when I saw Eleanor running to hug her son and all his brothers behind her.

My heart ached; it was kind of my fault that they sent him to his aunt's house. Chase's eyes looked up, and I could tell from far away that he was wondering whether to hug me or not.

I saw Eleanor signaling me to come down; I nodded as I let out a sigh. I slowly went down the stairs; I breathed slowly every time I stepped closer to the door. Eleanor already opened the door; I stopped next to Leo, who was behind Eleanor.

I swallowed hard as he wrapped his arms around me and welcomed me in a hug that I did not return.

Chase stood me still as he hugged me; my mind wasn't comprehending what was happening. I was confused. Why was he hugging me?

I hated him.

I hate him.

Chase Peterson.

"I-I missed you, Adams," his voice was low and husky.

The only sentence that I could get out of my lips was,

"Your arms look a little stronger."

You're still not forgiven, Chase Peterson.


Thank you guys for reading. I enjoyed writing this chapter!

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