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。・:*:・゚★,。・:*🕯🕰🧺━━━━━ .。.:* ADIAW
❝ whatever you wish for you keep ❞

:* ADIAW❝ whatever you wish for you keep ❞

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͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

the prologue of a dream is a wish !

𝐎𝐑 ;
in which
the wand falls into the wrong hands and a twist has been added to cinderella's happily ever after

   NO ONE HAD ANTICIPATED this twist; the secret was out and chaos ensued. It was known to Cinderella's step family that she had some magical help last year in getting her Prince Charming. Now, Lady Tremaine has Fairy Godmothers wand and everyone was after her.

Cinderella's heart was beating out of her chest, the cool air whipping in her face did nothing to calm her as she rode her horse to the clearing her step mother was in. "Come on Major, faster!" She shouted to her horse, Prince Charming racing next to her on his own horse. "What is she going to do?" The prince questioned, his hands tightening on his reigns as he looked to his princess, it hurt him to see the fear etched on her face. "Nothing good."
He had to admire her strength though, her individuality, she was different from any girl he's ever met. The brunette girl was strong inside and out, toughened up over the years of living with her step family, not soft like the others he's met in the numerous balls he's attended. That night when he looked into her eyes he just knew, she was the one. The conversations they had that night still fascinate him.

Lady Tremaine smirked devilishly as she saw the distance between her and Cinderella. "Get our revenge mother!" Drizella shouted, "Make us rich!" Anastasia suggested. Both the girls hated Cinderella, ever since she left they slaved away with cleaning up dishes and their house, which has fallen apart just like their lives. Who knew the loss of Cinderella would be their downfall, their maid.

"Now Cinderella, to undo your trickery and take what's rightfully ours, I call upon all the forces of the universe!" Their mother raised the white wand into the sky, the idea of her perfect life on her mind, determination clear on her wrinkled face.

"Bippity boppity boo!" A flash of emerald sparkles shot out of the wand and into the sky, a lightning storm began and turned the clouds green.

The two royals watched with batted breath as the green magic shot into the sky, the gray clouds circling into green, silence filled the land when suddenly lightning began crashing around the two, causing the horses to whine loudly. "Don't be scared!" Cinderella tried to calm the horses as they rode faster than ever.

"Reverse the moon and sun," in sync to her step mothers words day and night began and ended again and again and again but backwards, "Turn back time, unravel Cinderella's happily ever after to the moment my troubles began!" The emerald green sparkles created a cloud of memories, separating Cinderella and her prince in time. The cloud engulfed the three women, blowing back their hair and dresses. Drizella and Anastasia looked around in astonishment, they'd never seen such magic before; it frightened them. You could feel the evil oozing from the cloud as it circled them fiercely.

Unsuspecting to Lady Tremaine, Cinderella had approached, "No!" The blue eyed princess yelled, jumping off her horse and entering the green magic circle with no fear and tackling the older woman. Cinderella and Lady Tremaine fought over the wand, her two step sisters too scared to approach and fight back because of the magic that began shooting from the wand in spurts of white and green. "You won't ruin me again!" Cinderella shouted, pulling the wand from her step mothers calloused hands, her want of a good life caused the magic to shoot out of the wand and into the cloud of memories.

Unfortunately the cloud was already tainted with evil that it barely changed. "You imbecile of a child!" Lady Tremaine yelled, hitting the blue eyed girl in the chest, anger filling her eyes, Cinderella barely felt the blow.

Cinderella coward back as a bolt of lightning struck the spot in front of her, causing the wand to fall from her grasp. The wand broke upon a lightning bold hitting it and the magic held inside spilled out in bright white sparkles, finding a new home inside of Cinderella, who fell back from the blast, hitting her head on a rock, knocking her out. "Cinderella!" Her prince crouched next to her, his brown eyes filled with fear for her as he held her face in his hands. "Wake up." He called softly, trying to stop the blood spewing from her head, desperation basically seeping from him.

The cloud of augmented memories began to morph sporadically, everyone's eyes widening in fear as it grew and grew, eventually blowing up in a puff of green and white, sending everyone back from the blow. The magic began to seep into everyone in white and green sparkles, essentially putting them to sleep as the combination of evil and good magic sent them all to a new place. One that consisted of Lady Tremaine and Cinderella's wishes, one where anything was possible.

NOTE ! insomnia ain't no joke tired of this shit, pun not intended !<3

CHARACTERS ! idk if anyone reads these but Jaq and Gus Gus will be in this book as people ! 
  └◌───❀*̥˚ ──◌───❀*̥˚┘

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2021 ⏰

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