far away

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Far away

You have always been a star,
that I've been watching from a far,
You are the only thing that seems to be interesting,
In my world you are the only thing that's shining.

I thought I'd never see this star once more,
I thought I'd lost all the chance I had before,
But then it came back but its not that beautiful anymore,
For the star is already losing its shine because of its vanishing core.

But even though its fading,
In this star my hope is not shaking,
I'm still hoping that one day my silver lining,
Will be better and have its happy ending.

I tried to reach for it even its impossible,
My love for this star is quite unstoppable,
But we all know you no one can ever hold a star,
So I again stepped back and watched from a far.

The sun began to appear,
My silver lining has already disappeared,
"Its a new day" they say,
But I can't help but to be unhappy because I wanted you to stay.

But farewell is all I can ever say,
I'll see you soon at the end of my story and your beginning,
To see you shining is what I hope will happen one day,
Farewell my star for the first part of our sad ending.

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