Chapter 8

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Jamie's POV

I tack up Venus. Me, Anna, Bella, Dana and Miya are going on a trail ride today. I lead her outside and I see Anna already on Fortune. I get ut on Venus and we talk. After a while, the others comes. Everyone rides their 'normal' horse. "Let's go!" Anna kicks Fortune into canter. We follow in canter. We start to gallop as we ride into the forest. Venus gallops faster than the others and gallops next to Fortune. She speeds up and now we lead. "Wait up!" I hear Bella say. Venus just gallops faster. I try to stop her but she doesn't listen to me. We run towards a small cliff. "Jamie! Stop!" I hear someone say. Venus tries to jump over the small cliff, but fails and falls down. "JAMIE!" Is all I hear before
everything turn black

I wake up in the hospital. I see my parents crying. "Jamie!? Are you okay!?" Mom asks crying. "I'm fine. Where's Venus?" I ask concerned. "You should care more about yourself instead of a horse" Dad says to me. I sigh and close my eyes. I hear my parents walking out of the room. Anna comes in. I open my eyes and look at her. "I-I'm so sorry, but Venus didn't survive" She cries. My eyes widen and I start to cry. The others come in. Anna sits down on a chair and cries. "V-Venus..." I cry. Now I don't have a horse. Venus meant so much for me.. I close my eyes and fall asleep.
"Jamie, you can leave now" A doctor wakes me up. "O-Okay" I get ut carefully. I wonder why Venus didn't survive when I only got bruises. She must of fell hard. I still have my riding clothes on. I follow the doctor. Mom waits outside. "C'mon Jamie" She says and we get in her white car. The drive to the academy is silent. I walk out of the car. "Bye mom" I say and starts to walk towards stable C. I go inside and sit down in Venus' old stall. After a while I hear someone come. I get up and see Mrs. Junpler. "Jamie, I know Venus didn't survive" She looks at me with a caring look. "And?" I ask. "Your going to be taking care of a new horse soon." She answers casually. I sigh. She walks out again. I go inside the tack room and just sit there doing nothing. The door opens and I see someone walking in. "Kate!?"
Sorry for short chapter, going to school soon and had to write so here you go!

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