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It's all I want you feel
It's all you will feel

You make me become a monster
I will affraid you for hours
She don't wanna hear you
Don't you know that
Nobody can bear you

That's the beginning of the battle
That I wait for it
That's the beginning of the battle
That you'll never skip
That's beginning
Of your end
That's the ending
Of your sanity

And all I did and do,
I will never regret
'cause, I'm going to do like you
Just wanna destroy you
Just wanna destroy your life
Just wanna

It's all I want you feel
It's I will make you feel

You will feel so many fellings
That you never felt before our meeting
I'm became a monster
Empty of anger
You're a just fleshy humain
I will change that fat in pain

She don't wanna hear you
She can't bear you
So, understand and leave her alone
So, are you able to understand something at least ?

I'm know that you probably understand nothing
Just use your brain
Empty of pain

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Mar 28, 2020 ⏰

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