Chapter 4: Dis-Orientation

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Roxie and I had made it to the Main Hall. This is the location of our cafeteria and select classes. We walked passed the area where they had handed out our itinerary. We walked up to the girl who had given me mine and asked where the Life Cafe was located. She had said she was going there too. We followed her and walked into the craziest cafeteria I had ever seen! It was a ragtag hall made in the '90s, full of tables with food in the center and the ends. It wasn't so much a cafe as it was a mess hall made for the Disney Park hotel. There were loud pictures everywhere and tables made of doors and rolling trunks. I felt myself being pulled again as Roxie ran towards the sweets.

"I've known you a full two hours and I already know not to let you near sugar!" I said dragging her away. She began laughing at me. Her laugh was deep and had a musicality to it. We had grabbed some lunch at the Japanese section and headed to an empty table. Roxie had sushi and I got a chicken teriyaki hibachi. It smelled so good! We were about to dig in when we heard running feet behind us. I turned my head when someone plopped right to me trying to cover his face.

"Hide me," this random guy said panting furiously. This was a very cute boy now practically on my lap, breathing heavily, and trying to hide under his leather jacket. I felt the first moments of a panic startup.

"I can't stand my roommate. He is so pretentious and I do not feel like sitting with him." I wanted to speak but words wouldn't leave. I wanted to tell this guy to back off, who did he think he was, and go find another seat. But, he looked just so distraught. I looked over to Roxie but it looked like she was mid-bite of her sushi. This was just another day in the park for her. I turned back to him and just nodded my head and he eased up. He looked over his shoulder one more time and ducked down turning his face towards me.

"Crap here he comes."

I looked over and to make things worse it was that jerk guy with the prettiest eyes ever. I turned my head to look directly at the boy next to me. He was really nice to look at, light blue eyes, short brown hair, a really nice smile but I didn't feel that feeling of romance with him. It was like I had known him for a long time. He was someone who didn't strike me as handsome or extremely good looking. Maybe I was still in la-la and over Jeremy MacAlaster. With this guy... Nope. I felt nothing. That is just so weird!

"Is it the red-headed jerk face dancer?" I whispered.

"Ah, you've been introduced."

"Sadly, yes. He said my dance audition was too risky and said I wasn't skilled enough to get into the school... Something like that."

The boy's light blue eyes got big.

"Oh, so you're the girl he kept talking about! The one who slid down the stairs on your audition to St. Jimmie!" I felt my cheeks get red. I looked over again and the jerk was gone. We both eased up. I began eating my food that was going to get cold. I hadn't noticed that the boy had already a tray of hamburgers and fries and was beginning to eat too.

"You haven't even been here a day and you're already a legend on the 3rd floor. He saw you at the meeting and he told EVERYONE on the floor who would listen," he said with a grin. My cheeks went rosy again. EVERYONE on the 3rd floor knew about me. Great... just great.

"Listen here, if we are going to hide you, can you at least tell us your name?" Roxie asked, realizing she was not getting this guy's attention. The boy looked over and gave her a toothy grin.

"I'm Brandon Ruthrie. Music major. Piano and voice." I thought I heard a little squeal of joy. I gave Roxie a look like "calm down". Roxie and I introduced ourselves and began talking about our auditions. After lunch was consumed, another senior came out and announced that it was time to meet with our advisors and begin our tours. Roxie, Brandon, and I were all in group A. We got up and went into the hallway where our advisor's office spaces were located.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2020 ⏰

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