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Stephan's POV
I was linked with my gang at skate plex , it was around 9pm.
"Ugh I'm so hungry" Sophie said
"Babe we just got here"
"So what , buy me something"
"What ya want" ?
"A hot dog"
Everybody chuckled.
"What's funny" ? She asked as she frown
"Don't you get enough of that" Nikki said
"Ugh shut up" She snapped back
Sophie's POV
Prince kept smirking at me.I glared at him with a slight smile.I hope Stephan didn't see.If only he found out that Prince was secretly sexting me.And yeah we hooked up like once or twice , while Stephan was Outta town with his family.
"I'll go get that hot dog" Stephan says as he kisses my cheek and walks away
I nodded and smiled.
"Fuck all this , I'm ready to skate" DJ said
"Same babe" Nikki said
Mario and Domonique walks up.
"Hey gang" Mario said
"Hiii people's" Domonique said
"Hey yall" I hugged Mario and Domonique
"Uh why y'all just standing around , we should be skating" Mario said
Prince walks up to me.
"Hey sexy" he said
"Keep your voice down, Stephan will be back any second"
"I'm aware" he said smirking
"We can't keep doing this"
"As long as we keep our lil thing on the down low , you shouldn't worry about it"
"Yeah I guess"
I noticed Nikki glancing my way , like she know something up.Stephan comes back up.
"Here's your hotdog and soda" Stephan says
"Thanks babe"
We kissed.
Stephan glances at Prince , Prince gave him a smirk and walked away to the rest of the gang.
"Y'all good" ? Stephan asked
I sipped the soda.
"Ready to skate babe" ?
"Oh btw you said you seen Princess and her brother at the store earlier" ?
"Yeah, We were in the line to get our items paid for , she dropped her purse , I laughed and her brother went crazy and we almost fought"
"Ugh petty much , you okay" ?
"Of course I'm okay , it's just he said something to me so fucked up"
"Like what" ?
"He said me laughing was sissy like"
"He's so overprotective of that lil bitch"
"Well he's her big brother "
"I don't give a fuck"
Princess POV
Me and King walks in skate plex and my heart almost dropped because I seen Stephan and his friends aka my bullies.I can't believe I'm seeing them during summer break.They all glanced my way.I had to pretend like they weren't their.
Sophie's POV
"Uh we were just talking about her , what is she doing here" ?
"And that stupid overprotective big brother" Stephan said
"I didn't know she knew how to have fun , with her boring slow ass" Nikki said
"Y'all leave that crazy gurl alone" Domonique said
We laughed.
Princess POV
"I think I wanna go"
"Uh sis we just got here"
I sighed deeply.
King glances up at Stephan and them.
"Don't worry about those stupid little kids from school , your with me , and we're gonna have fun , so come on"
Stephan's POV
"You know what , I gotta plan , come on"
We walked towards Princess and her brother.
"Whoa" King said
"I come in peace , I just wanna say I'm sorry bout earlier , and I wanna apologize"
Princess glares at me.
"Sorry for laughing at my sis dropping her purse" ?
"Yes thats what I'm sorry for"
"Okay , well you gotta tell her that"
"I'm sorry Princess"
"It's okay"
Princess POV
This is so weird , what's happening , why is he apologizing.I feel so uncomfortable.
"Do you and your brother wanna hang wit us" ?
"Sis do you wanna hang with them " ?
"Um okay sure"
"We're having a party at Stephan's house after we leave , do y'all wanna come" ? Sophie asked
"Oh well I got work in the morning , but if Princess wanted to go she can , but I'll drop her off and pick her up , what kind of party is this" ? King asked
"No drugs . No drinks , just music and vibes" Stephan said
"I guess I'll come" I said slowly
"Good , so let's hang" Stephan said
"And like I said I'll drop you off and pick you back up" King said
"Yeah besides it's summer , I guess I can slide to a party"
"Yeah gurl" Sophie said
"I like your glasses" Nikki said
"Cute T-shirt" Domonique said
"It's thrifted"
"Cool" she said grinning
"Nice shoes" DJ said
"Also thrifted" I said quickly
Sophie and Domonique smiled.
Skate plex  end up going great.I actually had a great time , I couldn't believe I was hanging out with my bullies , but their being nice to me.This is like a dream or something.Why are they being so nice to me , this is so weird and unusual.Everybody walked out the building .Stephan gave King the address and he dropped me off to his house for the party.I wish my brother was gonna be with me , I felt so alone and uncomfortable but I know he won't always be their , so I just gotta take a deep breath and see what this party is all about.
"Have fun okay and don't do anything your not comfortable with"
"I know King"
"I love you sis"
"I love you too"
We hugged tightly.
"Get lit, no drugs or drinks tho"
I chuckled "I knowww"
He pulled off and I walked with Sophie into the house.It was only Stephan and his friends in the house.
"Want some to drink" ? Stephan asked
"A soda"
"DJ fix Princess a soda"
"Gotchu" he said
I sat on the sofa glaring around.I was quiet.Sophie was gulping down a shot glass.I knew alcohol would be here.Stephan walked to the back . And I seen Prince walk up to Sophie.I glared at them.
"Here's ya soda" DJ said
"In a glass" ?
"I put a little some some in it"
"Like what" ?
"I don't drink"
"It's summer break and your at a party , you gotta get fucked up Princess"
"Um okay"
"Let loose bitch" Nikki said
"What" ?
"Gurl it's slang"
I nodded and smiled
"Take a Sip" DJ said
I took a few sips.
"Gurl you always be dressing so down , I mean it's cute but you gotta do more to yourself" Nikki said
I looked down at my outfit.
"And your hair all in a ponytail, your pretty but those glasses gotta come off sometimes, not tryna be rude"
She takes my glasses off.My eyes was blurry.
"Oh my God I can barley see"
"Your so pretty" she said grinning
Mario sits next to me.
"It's some food in the kitchen, if you hungry" he says
"Oh ok thanks"
He hops up and walks to the kitchen.
Stephan walks out.He was inhaling a blunt.
Stephan's POV
"Oh hey babe"
"What you and Prince were discussing" ?
"Oh just stupid stuff" Sophie said as she gulped down a shot glass
"What kind of stupid stuff" ?
"Pranks" Prince said quickly
I glared at Prince.
"What kind of pranks" ?
"Babe chill" Sophie said quickly
Princess POV
Sophie glances at me.
"Hey Princess how are you enjoying the party " ? She says as she skips her drunk self towards me
"I'm enjoying myself"
"Good and Ooh wow you look so pretty without your glasses"
Stephan and Prince walks up to me.
"Anybody want nachos and cheese" ? Mario asked
"Meee" Nikki said
I started to feel woozy and light headed.
"Can I use your bathroom" ?
"You okay" ? Sophie asked
"I feel funny"
Everybody glared at me.Their voices sounded distorted and my vision looked blurry.
"I feel dizzy"
"Oh well that's  too bad" I heard Stephan say
I frowned.
Stephan's POV
Me and my gang begin to laugh uncontrollably.Prince begin to record.Sophie , Nikki and Domonique begin to paint Princess face.
Princess POV
"Omg stop"
I felt so groggy and weak , I couldn't fight back.
"You really thought we wanted to be your friend you weird slow bitch" Sophie said
All I heard was distorted laughing and paint being smeared all over my face.
"You really think ill apologize, I ain't do shit to you bitch" Stephan said
"You weird as hell , we would never wanna be your friend"DJ said
"You dress stupid , you look stupid , you ain't shit" Nikki said
"Your always gonna be a nobody" Prince said
I suddenly begin to feel hits all over my body.Sophie , Nikki and Domonique begin to slap and hit me across my face , I just took the hits , my body felt so numb.I was aware but I couldn't do anything, I felt like I was in a woken coma.
"Plz Stop" ! I slurred with my words
"Bitch" ! Sophie says as she slaps me
The laughter continued.
"Oooh I'm getting all this on camera" ! Prince said
"You better" ! Mario shouts
I suddenly felt my heart beat slowing down , I begin to gasp for air.
"Yo what's wrong with her" ?! I shouted
"Idk man" ! Stephan shouts
"Why she breathing like that" ? Prince shouts
"Cut the camera off" !
Prince continues to record.
"I said cut the fuckin camera off"
He grabs Prince phone and throws it.
"Dude what the fuck" !
Princess suddenly falls out , she wasn't even breathing anymore.We all gasped.
"Omg what the fuck happened" ?!
"Idk , you told me to put the henny in her soda" ! DJ shouts
"That couldn't have killed her" Sophie said
"Well I think it was her first time drinking , so it could have but this is crazy , she can't be dead" ! Domonique said
"Oh God, somebody check her pulse"!
Prince kneels down , he checks her pulse.
"Omg I don't feel anything" !
"What" ?!
Everybody gasped , as they covered their mouths.
"Omg don't panic , don't fuckin panic" !
"This was suppose to be a harmless prank , nobody was suppose to die" ! Mario shouts
"Well duh , but I can't go to Prison" !
"Neither can we Stephan" ! Sophie shouts
"Oh God , this is so bad" ! Domonique begin to cry
"This was all your idea Stephan" ! Nikki shouts
"Don't pin this all on me , y'all agreed , so if I go down , we all go down , y'all helped , y'all are accomplices" !
"Omg , check her heart beat , she can't be dead"! Mario shouts
"She's dead" ! Sophie shouts
"Okay everybody just shut the fuck up , we gotta hide her body" !
"We have to call the police" !
"Are you fuckin stupid , we can go to prison" !
"But it was just a prank" ! Prince shouts
"We killed her Prince, she is dead in my house, are you dumb" !
"We can't call the police , we have to deal with this ourselves" ! DJ shouts
"We're in this shit together, so we gotta get rid of her body" !
"Omg how" ?! Sophie shouts
"We have to bury her body"
"Where" ?! Mario shouts
"Y'all know those woods far from here" ?
"Oh God I can't believe this is happening" Domonique said
"It was just suppose to be a stupid harmless prank , we was just gonna slap some paint on her and that's it , I didn't know she was gonna die from alcohol" Nikki said
"If your body isn't used to alcohol , and if you drink too much , you can die , it just depends on the person, She can have a condition" Sophie says
"How much alcohol did you put DJ" ?!
"I think I put a lot"
"Oh my God , why would you do that" ?!
"I wasn't thinking , we get overly drunk all the time and we don't die" ?
"Some people bodies are different,some people can't consume a lot of alcohol" ! Sophie says
"Alright shut the fuck up , we need to bury her body right now , I have gloves for us to wear"
"Why gloves" ? Prince asked
"Dude have you not seen crime movies , if her body was discovered by the police , our hand prints can be found on her body"
"Oh that's right" !
"Think dude" !
"We have a dead body In our presence , I can't think straight right now" !
Suddenly Princess phone begin to ring.
"Oh fuck that's her brother calling" Sophie said
"We can't answer that" !
"What if he shows up , he's gonna be asking about his sister , what the fuck would we tell him" ?! DJ says
"Omg we gotta get rid of her body , before he shows up" Mario says
"Let's just text him pretending like we're her and say Stephan is gonna drop me home tonight , that way he won't come to the house"
I grabbed her phone and I texted King.
Kings POV
I was about to walk out the door to go pick my sister up.And I get a text from her saying Stephan will drop me off later , having too much fun.I grinned.I stepped back in the house , I texted her back saying okay sis , love you.I sighed deeply and closed the door.
Stephan's POV
"He texted me back , so we good , he's not coming, now let's bury her body"
"Should we wash the paint off her body"? Nikki said
"No we just leave her how she is , we can't do more damage"
Me and Prince held her body and slipped it in the back of the trunk.We drove all the way to the dark woods.We arrived , we all hopped out my Jeep , we heard thundering.
"Oh God it's gonna rain"Sophie said
"Prince , DJ bury her " I demanded
"Why we gotta do it , this is your fault"Prince said
"Shut the fuck up and bury her" !
"Okay fine , geez" DJ said
I handed the shovels in their hands.
"It's seriously about to rain" Sophie said
"Omg shut up about the rain" !
"Calm down"!
"We are burying a body" !
"Technically me and Prince is burying the body" DJ said
"Shut up" ! I snapped
"Why is this happening to us" ? Mario asked
"I don't wanna go to Prison" Domonique said as she cried
"Stop crying , ain't nobody finna go to prison" !
"Don't yell at her , shes scared, matter a fact we all are"
"As long as we keep this shit between us , nobody has to be scared"
"What if the cops find her body" ?
"They won't" I said firmly
"This is insane , I just wanted to have a fun summer" Nikki said
Rain begin to fall.
Me and Prince finished burying Princess.
"It's done, but can we plz get out this rain" ?!
"I'm so tired" ! Prince said
"Same" !
I was so out of breath.
"Now what do we do" ? I asked
Stephan's POV
I glared at everybody.
"We pretend like this never happened, we just continue to have fun the rest of the summer , and if King or the police question us , we just lie and stick to our story ,the same story , I didn't have a party and we never saw Princess or King , we were in Orlando for the weekend having a great time"
Everybody quickly nodded.

I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER (FAN-FICTION) Where stories live. Discover now