Chapter 2

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While I'm driving to my workplace I can't help it but think about that dream I had last night. (Of course I was still focusing on the road ;) ).

I still know every detail. Hell, that was an intense one.

Did we really kiss? Were we really enjoying this? Heck yeah we were.

I never really thought about Linda like that. I mean, yeah, she is really nice and we get along very well, but just as colleagues/friends (I think).
Linda is an absolutely gorgeous woman with her blonde hair, her green eyes and fit body. She got that kind of smile that could light up the baddest day you had in your life and I just truly enjoy her company.
We laugh together almost all of the time and we know quite a lot about each other, even though we only know each other for a year now and we never really had the Chance to hang out together after work yet. But we like one another, that's for sure.

Good god, I can't get this dream out of my head. And the more I think about it, the more I like it.

But do I really start having feelings for her? Or is it just a temporary little crush? Wonder why I'm worrying so much about if I have romantic feelings for her right now? Well... here is the point: Linda likes far as I know.

And falling for a straight girl is a downfall for sure. Everyone knows it. It's a hopeless sitiuation and it causes so many heartbreaks.

A few minutes and several thoughts later I arrive at work.

My other colleague who works in the office next to mine (our intermediate door is open mostly of the time) informs me that Linda is ill and will not come to work today. I'm a bit sad that I'm not able to see her and work with her today (she sits with my colleague in the room next door).

It's almost lunch time (usually we take the break together) so I decide to text her a nice message.

Me: "Hey Linda, it's almost lunch time... where r you at? Just kidding, I hope you are doing good. Get well soon! :-)"

"Yeah that sounds nice." I think to myself. "Now focus on your work again."

A few minutes later a message in my phone display pops up so I stop working and read the message.

Linda: "Hi Evelyn! Nice to hear from you. I'm not feeling very well today but hopefully I can come back to work tomorrow. Yeah...I thought about lunch break too I'd love to spend time with you right now."

That last sentence made me gasp.

Me: "Me too... tell me if you need something."

Linda: "Thanks, that's very nice of u. :)"

Me: "No need for thanking me. I hope to see you soon, Linda."

Linda: " :-* "

"Well, that little chat was pretty cute." I say to myself.

The day goes by pretty fast (thank god).

As I get home I decide to turn on my TV and watch a movie on Netflix. I picked "Atomic Blonde" hoping that I would like it. Turns out that I absolutely loved it.
"She attacc, she protecc but most importantly she kicks men in the bacc." I laugh at my own "joke". God I am alone af. I wonder what Linda is currently doing. Maybe I should text her.

Me: Hey Linda, it's me again. I was just wondering how you r feeling :).

Nah... I don't want to be too intrusive. I should wait until tomorrow. Maybe she will be back at work.

My last thought before falling asleep was if I would dream about Linda/ about us again this night. I caught myself wishing it.

Sadly I didn't.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2020 ⏰

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