~Don't Let Your Temper Blind You~

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  ~ Note­-Very sorry about lack of updates but I've been quite busy, also this is the closest picture I could get to what Poppy looks like. Just imagine two short scars over her eyebrow and one over the left eye. also she has slightly shorter hair! Thank you my readers! enjoy this chapter and please give me ideas on how to improve this story. messages are always open ~


           ~My lady I said id never leave you and ill keep to that promise,

before the land claims my soul, in mind, body and heart, sworn on the Dragon I will be-

your knight, even if thou forbids me I will persevere and be there at all costs, always my lady~

"Your stance is wrong again, try put a little back into it would ya? your going to make me look bad in front of the other guard trainers" The voice boomed as the figure crossed his arms and sighed, he turned his head and looked around the court yard, as if to make sure that no one had seen his apprentice making an armature mistake, he did have a reputation to take care of after all

"I aint be needing your help mate, I'm fine on my own!" the small figure placed on the opposite side of the man, this figures name was Poppy, Poppy Kipling, the once young girl had grown up and had began training with Nathaniel as her trainer and while she did have potential she could be quite a handful for him.

As Poppy's short hair blew in the wind she crouched as low as she could to the gravel while still not touching it, a silver blade with the engravings of ancient runes was lifted out of its scabbard by Poppy as she held it in a battle stance, while still being close to the ground. suddenly the runes on the handle of the teens sword erupted in a light blue flame that was surprisingly cool to the touch, the flame spread down to the tip of the sword, Poppy leapt up in a jump that could rival a frog and thrusted the sword over her shoulder, the flame that had just dimmed a little began to burn intensely as the sword grey twice its normal length in size and width. The young girl yelled a battle cry that could make a couple thousand men shake in fear and swung the sword straight forward, aiming for her trainer but as the sword almost struck him he erupted in a fire similar to Poppy's but with its entirely own style at the same time. a light red barrier burst forth from the man as he let out a battle cry even more fierce then Poppy's. the swords extra length shattered in two as it came in  contact with the barrier. Poppy fell back onto the ground on both her feet as she put her sword back into her scabbard.

"Are you trying to show off now? I told Lukas not to make the sword too strong and what did the moron do? he made it into just the strongest god dammed thing inside of his shop. No wonder he was smirking when his blonde arse handed me it and now I'm going to have to explain to everyone else why you know something on near enough the same level as me" Poppy's trainer sighed as he rested his palm onto his sweat ridden forehead. Poppy's trainer was no other then Nathaniel. The head guard who had saved her from the two boys and a life of malnourishment and dehydration and while Poppy was thankful for this he did seem to act a little "stuck up" most of the time so Poppy had the bright idea to try and get on his nerves.

"Nathaniel ye know about that no relationship rule thingy?" Poppy enquired with a smirk. Nathaniel's eyebrows creased as a sceptical look overcame his features but he replied anyway.

"That's Sensei to you Poppy and please try to speak properly. we are in one of the most dignified kingdoms in-"

"Yeah yeah I know you've given me that speech before old man, just answer." Poppy spoke as she lifted a apple out of her pocket and took a bite. it was meant for her horse but she was starving and the horse had hay to eat while she had nothing so she thought it was fine.

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