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dont be shy put some more.

lmao jkjk im here to tell yall some news.

so as you know the coronavirus is taking over the world and people r dying and shit. i have not been to school for a week except for that one day where i had a test and probably failed miserably because i could not study for it because i did not bring my notes home but i wouldnt know because im not allowed to go to school and get my results. 

i also missed my science test.

ok fr now, i have not been feeling too well lately (dw its not the coronavirus im not gon infect yall its not like i can i mean im basically being quarantined by my mom.) and because of that i dont exactly have the motivation to write.

i originally planned 'filter' to be a short ish story trying to keep it under 20 chapters but we all know that i never stick to my plans. so im trying my best to shorten it down but bc of my health, ive been feeling really tired all the time.

i also live in canada and our prime minister's wife has the coronavirus and they've gone into quarantine so our government is kinda without a leader rn i mean i dont spot a difference. canada is just stupid.

ok but what im trying to say is that i might not update as much/frequently as i did before with the daily updates. im really sorry, i realize that its only been a month since ive gone out of my hiatus and it's unfair to my readers.

but if you really want me to update please just tell me or dm me and i'll always listen to yall and i'll try my best to get a chapter up within the day you want me to update.



filter ;; jikookWhere stories live. Discover now