1: meeting love

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~~~love's pov~~~

Oh god, it's my first day of school what am I gonna do?! What if no one likes me? I don't want to be alone.

Brave: "C'mon sis calm down."

Me: "I didn't say anything."

Brave: "You didn't have to I know that face."

Me and brave got dressed #their bio outfits# and we head downstairs when we get to the kitchen we see our dad plating breakfast.

Father: "Hey my little hearts, how was your sleep?"

Brave: "Really dad you have been calling us that since we were kids."

Father: "And you still are kids to me eat and brave before you get to your work can you drop off your sister at her school?"

Brave: "Yeah, why not."

Me: "Hey dad?"

Father: "Yeah pumpkin?"

Me: "Why did we move again?"

As I asked that my father and brave's face got a bit panicked.

Father: "No one found out about your magic but. *sigh* it's complicated all I will tell you is it had something to do with your mom I will tell you when you're older. Ok?"

Me: "Ok dad, sorry for asking."

With that brave and I got up once we finished our breakfast we got into his car and after 5 minutes we pulled up in front of my school.

Brave: "Remember no panicking you will do great you are an amazingly sweet girl."

Me: "O-ok bro!"

Brave squeezed my hand lightly while giving me a smile I smiled back

  As I was getting out I grabbed my bag fire smirked at me and said.

Fire: "While your here get a girlfriend or two I do want to be an uncle."

I blushed hard hearing that.

Me: "You know that isn't possible."

Fire: "With your magic it is~"

Me: "S-shut up, I will see you later."

Fire: "Ok I love you sis have a good day at school."

Me: "Love you to dummy."

I start to walk up the stairs and enter the school as I was walking towards the principal's office when I heard whispers I look around and see people looking and talking about me. My anxiety started acting up so I started running down the hall until I got to the principal's office. I knocked on the door.

???: "Come in."

As I walked in I saw two women on sitting in a chair she had pale skin, rainbow hair who was wearing a tan business suit. The other is smaller she has dark blue mixed with light blue hair, light blue skin tone, she wore purple cargo pants, a purple shirt with a white collar with a black crescent moon.

???: "You must be ms. Love Heart, I am principal Celestia and this is vice-principal Luna.

Me: "I-it's n-nice to m-meet you b-both."

Luna: "There is no need to be nervous, young one."

Me: "S-sorry."

Celestia: "It's fine anyways here is your schedule if you want to meet people I suggest going to the animal room. Fluttershy should be there if there is anyone who you could talk to it is her like you she is also shy."

(On Hold) Mlp Equestria Girls and the goddessWhere stories live. Discover now