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"Belle, What's wrong?!", he asked me,

I could barely hear Grayson. All I could do was stare into space, breathing. He still haunts my nightmares, why can't he just fucking leave?

"Babe", he said,

Cupping my face, and looking into my eyes. That was the first time he's ever given me a cute nickname.

I laid back down, him following after me. He held me close and rubbed my back. I closed my eyes and just tried to just fall asleep.


Seeing her like that was fucking terrifying. Once she wakes up, I'm gonna ask her about it, then I'll take her to her photo shoot tomorrow, just us and Ethan, who's been talking to Jessie for a while now. I just hope she doesn't go through this again.

Whatever that was, wasn't just some nightmare and I knew it. The fear in her voice and the way she was just completely out of it, scared me more than anything.


I wake up with Grayson holding me tight, his face buried in my neck. I admire his face, stroking his cheeks with my thumb. I kisses his lips softly, causing him to wake up,

"Morning", He greets me

His morning voice doing all kinds of things to me. I kissed him softly,

"Are you okay?", he asked me,

"Yeah, why?", I asked,

"Last night, I think you had a bad dream", he questioned,

I took a deep breath. I sat up and he did to.

"I was dreaming that...I was...",I hesitated,

"Um", I struggled to find the words,

He held my hand in his, kissing the back of it and resting his cheek on them,

"It was Romeo", I say,

He picked his head up,

"Your Ex boyfriend Romeo?", he asked,

I nod,

"What did he do?", he hesitated,

I felt the tears collecting in my eyes,

"H-he tied me to a chair, while slashing your c-chest with a knife", I tell him,

The tears rolling down my cheek,

"No", he exhales,

Holding me close, as I tried to hold back tears. He kisses my cheek. I just wanted to stay in his arms, it's where I felt most safe. He pulls away,

"I love you Belle", he says,

Did I hear him correctly? Did Grayson Bailey Dolan day he loved me?

"That was stu-", he says,

"I love you too Gray", I say,

Assuring him. He breaks out into a goofy smile and starts dancing around,

"You're weird", I laugh,


And you're cute", he says,

Picking me up and carrying me over his shoulder, making me scream,

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