They were married happily. Until one day..
Angles POV
I was cleaning the house in my maid costume when Shrek Daddy walked in.
"Hey bb", said Shrek Daddy.
Hi, I replied
"I'm going to work."
"Today? I thought you didn't work on Saturdays?"
"Well i have work piling up."
He left.
I was suspicious so I left our thousand children with Krista and followed him. Life360 told me he was a this random house in the Subaru's. I pulled up into the house and knocked.
That bitch.
It was Mike Wasoswwki.
He was cheating on me. After all this years and all this children. I killed him and walked into the living room to find Shrek Daddy tied to the wall ready for relief. I forgave him cus why the fuck not. Lets just say things got frisky that the government knocked onto the door and found the whole house covered in a white liquid. Shrek Daddy and Angle lived happily ever after