GeeksGod Organisation

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Company :GeeksGod

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About us:

GeeksGod is an educational platform aiming to provide technical as well as career growth assistance to students pursuing various STEM fields such as computer science, electronics engineering, etc. It achieves this by providing curated courses on a variety of topics and as well as information on upcoming off-campus hiring drives, available internships and college projects at absolutely no cost.

GeeksGod also acts a blogging platform offering a wide range of genres to choose from which include, but are not limited to education, career counselling, tech reviews and daily life hacks. Not only does it connect the very enthusiastic readers with the highly motivated writers, but it also provides an open forum to promote discussion and collaboration among the users.

Essentially, GeeksGod promotes a concept of autonomous learning to help our 21st century students take control of their academic lives and future careers, helping them use modern technology in a highly productive manner and empowering them to blow past their self-assumed limits and barriers of personal growth.

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