o1 - Remember Me?

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When I was fifteen, I fell in love. It was the most beautiful thing. An absolutely amazing feeling. It was pure; wholesome; so very, very sweet. It keeps you awake at night, keeps you smiling through the day.

Simply just thinking of him makes your world a little brighter, a little more colourful. The feeling of complete utter joy; the feeling of being safe in his arms. Pure bliss.

Ah, love.

It's indescribable, not something that can be explained in words so simply. It fills your heart completely, leaves no room for anything else. Sweeter than sugar, more poisonous than venom.

A sweet poison.

It was perfect.

He was perfect.

o1 - Remember Me?

 I always wanted to wake up in the morning with the warm sunshine batting down on my face; birds chirping outside; aroma of delicious breakfast coming from downstairs. My eyes will then slowly flutter open and my hair would be perfect, fanning out around me, like the petals of a flower. Then, the door would open and my husband, Lucas Maricon would come in shirtless, balancing a tray of breakfast in one hand, the other resting on the door frame. His light hair messy, giving him the sexy just-out-of-bed look. His eyes a bright, seductive blue.

"Good morning, my beauti-"


After a moment of silent crying in my head, I moaned. Sweet dreams. Please don't go away! Lucas Maricon! Come back!

"Audrey! Time to get up, Audrey!" My seven-year-old cousin yelled. I felt the bed dip and sighed inwardly when he crawled on top of me.

Nope. The dreams weren't coming back. I'm awake.

I pouted and scrunched my eyebrows together.

"Go away," I managed to reply with half my face squashed against the pillow. God, sometimes I feel like locking him in the bathroom.

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up with Playhouse Disney!" Andy sang loudly, rolling all over me, giggling like a mad dog with rabies. I groaned when his feet dug into my back. What a terrible massage.

"Andy, get off."

I lifted my head from my pillow, and glared at the little monster on my back. His hair was in a mess, with strands poking out randomly. He grinned brightly, his two front teeth missing. His blue pajamas were rumpled and--wait, was his pajama pants inside out? I chuckled before reaching out to grab him into my arms.

"Ahh! Aunt Penny! Audrey's drooling!" He screamed, pointing at me before jumping off the bed, running away. I watched as he ran out of my room, screaming like a tiny wild Bigfoot, a dumbfounded look on my face.

I quickly raised a hand to my face, rubbing off all the excess saliva at the corners of my mouth. Then I glanced down at the wet patch on my pillow. The baby blue of the comforter was stained dark blue with my saliva.

"Audrey Bryson! You better get your lazy self down in ten minutes or you're not getting breakfast!"

Glancing at my open door, I blinked lazily, my lips forming a tiny frown.

"We'll continue this tonight, Lucas baby," I murmured, turning to look out the window, squinting my eyes at the bright light. Then I groaned, gave my bird's nest of a hair a frustrated ruffle before plummeting face first into my pillow.

"Audrey! There's no more pancakes left! If you want the last piece of toast you better come down this instant before it's gone!"

My stomach grumbled. I grumbled.

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