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Hajin's pov

It  has been two week since me and Kai are practicing our dance for competition . Well because of dance we have become  good friends .

Today too i practised dance and now i am walking in hallway.

"guess who ? "someone said closing my eyes

"you are someone name choi hee young " i said laughing

Then she released my eyes and i turned towards her and pinched her cheeks . She also pinched mine in return . We were laughing suddenly someone clapped and it was those annoying girls who have been warning us time to time .

" you guys seem like having a good time " taeyeon said

" why do you care " hee young said

"what did you say? " tiffany said pulling hee young's hair

I wanted to help hee young but this seohyun grabbed my arms . Oh god her grip is so tight .

"are you deaf or pretending to be deaf " hee young said

Tiffany was about to slap her but i managed to bite seohyun's hand and she released me so i caught tiffany's hand.

"don't even dare to let your dirty hand touch her cheeks " i said returning her glare

"what can you do? you bitch " taeyeon said

"Bitch is  the title that suits you the best " i said eyeing them

"shutup you lowlife " seohyun said and she was about to hit me with some stick so i closed my eyes while waiting to get hit but i heard sound of someone else collapsing in the floor .

I opened my eyes and saw hee young lying in the floor.

" hee youngah " i sat on the floor and shake her

" that's what you get for fighting back with us you bitch " seohyun said while other two kicked me

Now i was lying competely in the hallway floor . They kicked my stomach so many times but no one was there to help us. After many times of  kicking they left . Then i stood up slowly and started shaking hee young.

" hee young wake up " i said with my eyes full of tear . But there was no answer so now i was crying while shaking her body . I tried to carry her but can't due to pain in my abdomen .

"what happened hajin " someone said ,when i looked it was kai and sehun . Sehun immediately picked hee young in bridal style and took her to school clinic .I tried to stand but failed . Kai catched  me

" are you okay "kai said with concern written all over his face

" yeah I'm okay just take me to hee young" i said him and there was pain in my abdomen again so i rubbed it

" did you hurt your abdomen " kai said

" yeah now lets go" i said and we went to school clinic . I saw hee young lying unconscious in bed . I went up to her and started shaking her again but there was no response . I could not control myself seeing my bestfriend in this condition so tears escaped my eyes . Now i was crying uncontrollably . I hugged her body and cried in the crook of her neck .

Kai then pulled me up and hugged me trying to comfort . He then bent his head in my level and  told me that she'll be conscious after few hours .

" you too are hurt lets get you checked up " Kai said

" but hee young, i want to be with her to care her " i said

" don't worry sehun is here to take her care , you can come here after you get checked up " he said

"You two can go ,I'll take care of hee young " sehun said and i nodded

I was walking while Kai was supporting me with his arms around my shoulder . The pain in my abdomen was getting more painful then suddenly everything went blank .

Kai's pov

Hajin was crying uncontrollably while hugging her unconscious friend . I pulled her and told hee young will gain conscious after few hours . I told her to get checked up because awhile ago she was rubbing her abdomen in pain . I was taking her for check up when she suddenly fainted in my arms .

" nurse she fainted " i said calling nurse

She came and examined hajin .

"she is sweating too much and her pulse is getting weaker call the ambulance she must be sent to hospital " nurse said

I was so worried about hajin . When the ambulance arrived i carried her to the ambulance and went with her .

In the hospital while i was in the emergency room i saw Mrs Lee . I went up to her .

"Mrs Lee"i called her

"kai dear , what are you doing here ? Is someone sick " she asked me

" yes Mrs lee hajin fainted in school "i said and she was already shaking

"where is she " Mrs lee asked

"emergency " i said and we both ran to emergency

When we reached there Mrs lee talked to doctor . From her expression i could say something was bad . Then she came to me

" kai she has to go undersurgery for appendicitis , you can go now it is bad to skip school " she said

"Aniyo Mrs lee i will stay here with hajin " i said

"then please take care of her , i will come soon after my duty is over " she said and i nodded in agreement

Hajin was now inside operation theatre . I was waiting for her then Mrs lee arrived . The operation took about 4 hours . We shifted hajin to ward . Then my phone vibrated , i took phone out of my pocket and it was sehun . I picked it up the sehun spoke " kai where are you me and hee young  are outside hospital can you come to pick us "

" ok just wait for me "i said

" Mrs lee hajin's friend have arrived, I'll go pick them"i said

"sure " Mrs lee said

I went to pick them up. I brought them to hajin's room . Hee young immediately went to hajin's side . Then hajae entered the ward .

"mom is noona okay " he asked

"yeah Kai brought her in time " Mrs lee said

"thanks hyung , you saved noona's life "hajae said and  i just nodded my head

"you guys go home I'll take care of hajin "Mrs lee said

"Mrs lee please call me when she gain her consciousness , here's my number "i said and handed her my number .

Me,sehun ,hee young and hajae headed home . Me and hajae went home together . Sehun went to drop hee young . I just hope she gets well soon.

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