Ultimate Spiderman (2) Aston

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It's been a long night, Spidey decided to host a S.H.I.E.L.D Academy party.

They weren't celebrating anything in general, he was just feeling really lonely these days, even Aunt May feels distant no matter how much attention she's given him.

Nobody's notices his distance, well, apart from Amadeus Cho(AKA: Iron Spider), Ben Riley(AKA: Scarlet Spider) and The Ultimates, which consisted of Nova, White Tiger, Iron Fist and Power Man.

The six had a short conversation at one point, Cho, Ava(AKA: White Tiger) and Danny(AKA: Iron Fist) were the only ones mostly concerned. Luke(AKA: Power Man) and Ben says that they should hive Spidey his own space.

Nova though, seemed to be stranded in his own thoughts, he gave no opinion, he didn't even hint a phrase or at least, a word.

Speaking of the cosmic hero, be was the only one along with Spidey who decided to dress in their hero costumes. Flash(AKA: Agent Venom) technically doesn't count because his suit is more like a symbiot.

Nova was sitting outside of the party, on the beach. He seemed to be peacefully at ease until he heard slight footsteps.

Thanks to Danny being a monk from Kun Lun, Danny was quieter with walking that anyone else. Yes. He gave his presence but it felt calmer to have him behind you.

"Hey, Danny." Nova greeted in a positive voice though he still had is eyes to the sky.

Danny acknowledged Nova's greeting with a nod and sat besides him, he had a scoot a little forward because he wanted the cosmic hero to be able to look at him from time to time when talking instead of staring at the sky.

"You are not one to sit outside of a party, friend." Danny stated. "Is everything alright?"

Nova scoffed. "I thought acting weird was Parker's job." He joked.

Danny smiled, he leaned forwards to his friend, trying to focus at the purple starry night sky turning blue. "The stars are more clear here than in New York." He aid.

Nova nodded, thinking for a moment before saying. "You make it sound like as if you have no clue why." He gave a side glance to the blond.

Seeing the helmet guy looking at his eyes, Danny decided to admit and shook his head.

Nova's eyes widened, he turned back to the stars quickly. After a long while of silence, he smacked his lips to break the tension. "New York's a big city, Danny. The cars fill the atmosphere with pollution all the time." He turned to his friend again, seeing him nod in understatement."Though I don't see the link between pollution dimming the stars in the sky." He asked in his own way.

Nova smiled. "Air pollution is thick, or at least, thicker than air; you can see it, I mean, it's practically smoke! Because of it, it covers the sky and dimmers the starlight."

Danny nodded. "Ah, I see." He stared at the sky again, to mainly find whatever Nova found interesting. "I've never visioned myself being tutored from you." He smirked.

Nova did a slight shrug. "Yeah well, I know that air pollution is thick because thanks to my helmet, I only breath pure air. The whole smoke thing is just common sense even for you and..." He sighed. "Well, I was taught that information when I was really young."

Danny gave a slight nod, but said nothing more. He continued to stare st whatever Nova thought was nice. Soon enough, Danny was wondering if Nova was just admiring the quite? It certainly didn't seem like it though.

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