★ | 184. do you still love me, haikyuu

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Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom
Chapter 184: Do You Still Love Me, Haikyuu
Word Count: 1259

Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom Chapter 184: Do You Still Love Me, Haikyuu Word Count: 1259

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Yamaguchi looked across the court with a sadness surrounding him. He saw his ex boyfriend, [name] training. It made him sad because he was still in love with him but he thought there was no chance for them to get back together.

They couldn't even say two words to each other without it being incredibly awkward. They used to be the best of friends before they started dating and now it was like they were less then acquaintances. The thought made tears come to his eyes and he looked down at the ground, squeezing them shut and trying to stop himself from crying.

"What's the matter with you?" Tsukishima questioned.

"N - Nothing. I'm fine." He stuttered back, bringing his hand up and rubbing at his wet eyes. "I just need to use the restroom." He rushed out of the room, his shoes squeaking against the ground and the rest of the team turning to look at him.

"He rushed out of here like he was on fire." Tanaka said with furrowed eyebrows. "What's that about?"

"Isn't is obvious?" Tsukishima said, narrowing his eyes into a glare as he looked at [name]. "He hasn't been himself since him and that loser broke up. He always looks like he's on the verge of tears. You have only just noticed now."

[name] frowned, looking at the door to where his ex boyfriend had run off to. He didn't want to go running after him. It wouldn't be appropriate. They were broken up after all.

"Would you do something?" Tsukishima snapped. "My best friend is in the bathroom crying because of you. Why can't you just get over yourself and do something? You both still love each other and are acting like idiots!"

"You don't even know the reason we broke up, so keep your nose out of other peoples business!" [name] snapped back, getting closer to him and pointing a finger at him.

The air was getting tense and the team glanced at each other in worry. The two boys looked to be getting angrier and they didn't want a fight to break out.

"Of course I know why! He told me. He tells me everything." Tsukishima said and shook his head. "I can't believe you broke up with him because you thought he was cheating on you with me. There really is something wrong with you."

"Shut up! It's clear you have feelings for him so don't act like you don't." [name] threw his arms up. "What was I supposed to do? Act like I didn't care when you two ran off to do god knows what with each other?"

Tsukishima stepped closer and now they were inches apart, though there was nothing romantic about this stance. "Yeah, you're right. I do have feelings for him but that doesn't matter because he always let me know how in love with you he was. How happy he was with you." He scoffed. "You were the one that ruined your relationship. Not me."

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