Chapter 6 Try me

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Now what first? Whose plot is going to be the first to get messed with, and if your wondering how I managed to get were I am now (in full control) well your going to have to wait for me to tell you that


*Rouge's view*

I watched Brandon's body disappear in a white light. What now? My boyfriend just died, by the hands of my sister! Anger filled me.

"Well next time I see her she is going to get it." I whispered. Looking to the west I saw Sky's castle gleam in the distance. "But first I'm going to need some weapons."

*Abby's view*

Kill, must kill. I must kill the girl for master, but foolish boy got in the way. Now what? Master told me to now get the others that have escaped. must find, must bring, must,

Must not

No, must,


*Alexis View* ((now i know why Sliver didn't want to do Abby's view))

Shadow, Lunar, and I sat around the fire that we had just made. We had left Sky Army because we never really fit in, well I could of since Abby was a wolf hybrid too, but she wanted too help find that one girl's sister.

"So what do we do know?" Said Shadow.

I opened my mouth to reply but then I heard something moving behind me.

"Get back!" I said quickly moving over to Shadow.

"I'll see what it is!" Said Lunar, running over there. Oh why, why, Lunar wasn't the smartest bulb, really she wasn't.

"No!" Said Shadow as she disappeared behind the bush.

That's when we heard the scream.

"Lunar!" I yelled running to the sound.

I got my sword out ready to fight when I saw who it was. It was Abby, but yet something was different about her. Her gray eyes now had patches of red in them. Someone had turned her.

"While looks like the whole party is here." She said smiling. "Master well be pleased."

*Brandon's view*

I opened my eyes not to the clearing were I saw Rouge for the last time, but to darkness. Everything was black.

Then I felt myself moving, I stood up and wondered were I was going and were was I.

Suddenly I heard the sound of doors opening. Looking I saw two giant doors opening up into a purply glow. I entered I took in the sight, there were books everywhere. I then stopped moving.

"Well come to your final chapter." Said a voice.

"My what?" I said.

"All questions will be answered in time, now what is your name." Said the voice.

"Um Brandon." I said.

"Last name."

"Ah Brandon Everlast." I said in a lower tone, I've never told anyone my last name, not even Rouge.

"Wait Everlast? Like Seto Everlast?" The voice said now full of confusion.

"Yeah," I said. "He is sorta my dad......"

Then a woman came out of nowhere, She had Brown hair and a white dress on. "Well than welcome home son."

You want to know how I became in control of Sliver, well let's just say that I've been in Sliver head for as long as she's been alive, and I waited until it was the perfect time to make my move. Now she have actually a lot of personal problems and I new that those were my key so when this one new one came she broke. Her mighty wall that keep me in the back of her mind fell, and I toke my place and put her and all her darkest memories, all her dark secrets, and all her problems in the back of what was her mind. Oh but don't worry she is still alive, in she could easily break free of that prison, but she can't. Because she's in there with her darkness, and it is ripping her apart.

So now you know, and now you well have to wait for what happens next.

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