The Wizard's Daughter Against The Two Towers-Chapter One-Just Keep Running

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We had been running for three days now and Aragorn had his ear to a rock, listening for any sign of the Urak Hai. "Their pace has quickened," he said. "They have caught our scent," with that we continued to run. We just kept running for a long time, at some point I stopped to wait for Gimli and suddenly he came tumbling into view from behind a rock. I ran to help him up.

"Three days and nights pursuit, no food, no rest!" Gimli grumbled. I had to agree with him, I was starting to get a little tired, but we had to keep going. I was not letting Pippin suffer. Oh wait, sorry, I forgot about Merry. I won't forget about you next time Merry! Then Aragorn stopped and I had to jog backwards to see what he had picked up. There was a leave of Lothlorien broooch.

"Not idily do the leaves of Lothlorien fall," Aragorn murmered.

"They may yet be alive!" and with that from Legolas, with a small amount of hope in our hearts, we started to run again. We had been running for hours when Aragorn suddenly stopped on some sort of rock formation. I looked and saw plains stretching out over miles and miles, I assumed this must be Rohan.

"Rohan, home of the horse lords," Aragorn said. Then we saw what must be hundreds of men on horseback riding towards us. We all hid behind rocks to avoid being trampled and once they had pasted, Aragorn stepped out. "Riders of Rohan! What news of the Rohirrim?" He shouted over to them. At first it seemed that they hadn't heard, then they turned around and started galloping at an allarmingly fast rate towards us. They circled us, causing us to go back to back. Then they lowered their spears, pointing them at us as a path cleared for their leader. He jumpled off of his horse, pulling off his helmet, his gaze lingered on me for a couple seconds before he started to speak

"What business do two elves, a man, and a dwarf have in Rohan," he said threatiningly.

"Tell me your name, horsemaster, and I shall give you mine!" Gimli was being rather rude.

The man took out his sword. "I would cut off your head, dwarf, if it stood just a little higher above ground," he chuckled.

Legolas took out his bow, nocking an arrow and aiming at the man. "You would die before your stroke fell," I touched his arm, sending him a look that meant calm down.

"We are friends of your king, Theoden," Aragorn told him.

"Theoden no longer recognizes friend from foe," he paused. "Not even his own kin," I lowered my eyes. Gandalf had told me of this man before. Eomer. Eomer is Theoden's nephew, and now I was wondering what he meant. I tilted my head and he seemed to notice this. "Sarumon has poisoned the kings mind and has taken over these lands. The white wizard is cunning, always he sends spies that go through our nets," he glared accusingly at Legolas.

"Oh god!" I groaned, causing them all to look over at me. "We are not spies! We are tracking Urak Hai who have captured our friends! Now tell us! Have you seen them?" I glared manacelingly at him. He looked at his feet. Something was up.

"The orcs are dead, we slaughtered them during the night," Eomer said sadly.

"But there were two hobbits! Did you see two hobbits with them?" Gimli asked hurriedley.

"We left none alive," Eomer looked at me. "We piled the carcasses and burned them," He pointed to a column of smoke rising from the west. "A beautiful maiden such as yourself should not bear that sight," he said to me.

"Seriously, not the time to flirt!" I sighed, so did he, realizing what he had just said. I had a small hope that I would not encounter him in the future.

Then he whistled. "Hasufel! Arod!" he called to two riderless horses. "Hope that your fate is better than their previous riders," and with a "we ride north!" Eomer and his riders were off. Legolas got on the white horse, Arod, and just as I was about to get on behind him, Gimli got on infront of him from the other side. I chuckled at the look that Legolas had on his face and got on the other horse, and Aragorn got on infront of me. Finally, no more running!

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